Power of The Sun

Flower_1  Sep. 29, 2005

It was lovely weather today. Sun was shining comfortably. It was as if the sun was smiling (not laughing as it was in summer!).

When I went out for lunch, I felt power of the sun, It definitely has power to heal people’s mind : )

I took the picture on the way to work this morning. Flowers were pretty with sunshine. I didn’t have my camera but took it by mobile. No good quality 😉 Shame!

今日はとても気分がよくなる天気だった。太陽の日差しも心地よかったし。夏の間馬鹿笑いだった太陽も今は微笑みかけてる感じ (なーんて)

ランチにでかけたときに 思ったこと。日の光には絶対人の心を癒す作用がある。



Sep. 28, 2005

Since I came back from Nagano, I’ve been enjoying nice and cool weather. Although yoga is always nice, I feel it’s more enjoyable when the weather is this nice.

Breathing is a key in yoga practice. Without yoga breathing, yoga would become just exercise. Air is everywhere around us for free. We usually forget to appreciate it. Today, in yoga class, teacher told us to appreciate it and breathe. Yes, appreciate and enjoy the free abundance. It calms your mind : )

今年は夏と秋の間の日みたいなのがあまりなかったような気がする。長野から帰ってきてからは秋の涼しい毎日が続いている。ヨガはいつでもすばらしいけど こんな過ごしやすい天気のときはとくに楽しめる。

呼吸はヨガの秘訣。ヨガ呼吸なしでヨガのポーズをしても それは他の運動とあまり変わらない。つまりヨガではなくなるのだ。今日のヨガのレッスンでは感謝して呼吸をすることを教えられた。空気はどこにでもあるしタダ。感謝することなんて考えたことがないのが普通だ。でも空気、そして呼吸はタダで誰にでも平等に与えられる豊かさ。そして心を静めてくれる。


The Harvest Moon

Sep. 21, 2005


Img_3404_1 Today, I met mom’s friend and her daughter for lunch. In the hotel we met, this painting attracted me. It expresses autumn in Japan.

There has been tradition to enjoy looking at the moon on Aug. 15 in the lunar calendar in Japan. It was brought from China in Nara  (AD710~ 794) ~ Heian (AD 794 ~1192) period. This year, it was Sep. 18.

There are many different ways to appreciate the beauty of the moon in the autumn clear sky. But what come to my mind first when I hear about moon viewing are Japanese silver grasses & dumplings to offer the moon. (Of course, the moon never eats the dumplings though it might look at the grasses 😉 I don’t know how many families are still doing traditional moon viewing though.

When I was working for Hong Kong government office (it was already under Chinese government), I remember we got together in the meeting room and were offered moon cakes. I didn’t know moon cakes are available only during moon viewing season in China as it’s available all the time in Japan. But Chinese friends told me it’s not except the tourist places like airports.

Weather is very pleasant in autumn in Japan. Good time to enjoy the nature and the autumn food : ) I’m glad we have this season after the hot & humid summer.



旧暦の8月15日がお月見の日で今年はそれが9月18日だった。お月見の習慣は中国からもたらされたもので 奈良時代から平安時代にかけてのことだそうだ。お月見のときのお供え物には地方によって また家族によってそれぞれ違うようだし 最近どれくらいの人たちがお月見をしているのかは分からないけれど お月見と聞いてすぐに思い浮かぶのはススキと月見饅頭。

香港政府(すでに中国だったが)の代表オフィス(東京で)で働いていたときには 会議室に集まって月餅を食べたのを覚えている。中国で月餅が売られるのは中秋の名月の前後だけだそうで 最近中国人の友達に聞いて初めて知った。もちろん空港とか 観光客が集まるところではどこでも売ってるそうだ。

秋の天気は心地よい。自然も美しいし もちろん秋の味覚も楽しみにひとつ。蒸し暑くてほんとに大変な夏の後に そんな秋があるのはほんとありがたい。

Smell the Coffee

Sep. 20, 2005


A lot of attempts to stop drinking coffee. But I have never been able to do it. I know the bad effects to the health though good effects have been also reported. It wakes you up temporarily but makes you more tired after a while.

Img_0812Still I love coffee just after waking up. It’s special! I don’t feel it’s tasty anymore after the first one. To make it more special, to make me feel happier (and to wake me up ;-), I choose coffee beans carefully. I grind it every morning.

Last Friday, I went to Yanaka coffee shop in Meguro. Though I’d heard their coffee was tasty, I hadn’t been there before. I chose my most favorite, French Roast, there. The girl at the shop asked me how I’d like beans to be roasted. She recommended grade 10, the deepest roast. I followed the recommendation. Anyway, I usually like deep-roast.

The coffee was excellent. I enjoy it every morning : )

By the way, some doctor said in the Internet page about coffee effect….

"To Drink or Not to Drink"
…. your cup of coffee.


何度もコーヒーをやめようと思ったけど一度も成功した試しがない。コーヒーについては健康に関して良い効果も報告されているが害も多い。一時的な目覚まし効果があるけれど しばらくすると飲む前よりずっと疲れてしまうのだ。

朝起きたときのコーヒーが最高。その後はいつ飲んでもあまりおいしいと思ったことがない。それだけに朝のコーヒーは特別なのでいろいろこだわる。豆もおいしいところで買うし 毎朝自分で挽いている。

先週の金曜日は目黒の やなかコーヒー店 に行ってみた。前々から噂を聞いていて一度行ってみようと思ってたお店。一番好きなフレンチローストを選んだ。店の人にどの炒り方がよいか聞かれたがその人のお勧めの10番(一番深炒り)なのにしてみた。もともと深炒りが好きなんだけど。

噂どおり おいしいコーヒーだった。毎朝かなりいい感じ。

ところで コーヒーについてインターネットにこんなことを書いている医者を発見。

飲むべきか 飲まざるべきか・・・


Football is…

Sep. 19, 2005

Last night was exhausting. I watched one of the most important matches for Liverpool and the supporters (us!), Liverpool – Man United. It started at 20:00 at Tokyo time on TV. Ten minutes before the match, I heard my heard beating. I was too excited and worried at the same time. I didn’t know what to do. From the beginning, supporters were loud in the stadium. So did I at home in Tokyo! Many times I screamed and cheered them up. After the half time (score: 0-0), I couldn’t believe I had to watch another half. It was already too much!

Though Liverpool was better than Man Utd in the first half, they were not as good as the first half in the second half. I was so worried. But in the end, match was draw. It was good and close-match. I was very very tired watching it though. Gerrard and Riise did well and  Sinama Pongolle was amazing! But other players were not very impressive. Crouch was disappointing. Liverpool managed to deliver the ball very close to the goal several times but there was no one who could score for sure. We need a striker like Michael Owen!!! who Benitez didn’t want to invest in.

On the same day, Michael Owen scored first time after being transferred to New Castle. Wonderful!


昨日の夜は信じられないくらいクタクタになった。リバプール対マンチェスターユナイテッドの試合があったのだ。チームにとってもサポーターである私たちにとってもすごく大切な試合。日本時間の午後8時からテレビで生中継があったのだけれど 10分前くらいからどきどきしてきて どうしていいか分からなくなった。


リバプールは前半かなり押してたものの後半はあまり調子がよくなかった。かなり心配だったけど結局は引き分け。いい内容の試合だったし接戦だった。Gerrard と Riise はいつも通りよかったしSinama Pongolleは際立ってよかった。でも他の選手がイマイチだったし Crouch にはがっかり。ゴール前まで攻めながらも誰もゴールを決める人がいないっていうパターンが多かった。Michaelみたいなストライカーが必要だと思った。(というかMichaelが必要!)

そのMichaelは 同じ日New Castleに移籍して初めてのゴールを決めた!素敵、Michael!

Weekend Gourmets

Sep. 18, 2005

Img_3365 A friend of mine, Misa-chan, suggested to go to restaurant "Kimutaku" in Ginza. Of course, I immediately agreed with her as I’d never been there and wanted to try something new. She told me it’s famous for nice tonkatsu (Japanese pork cutlet). We decided to go to the one in Ginza and arrived there at 11:26. The restaurant was supposed to open at 11:30 and there were already four other groups queuing. We thought it’s a promising sign for good food! Yes, it was really a sign. Tonkatsu was excellent! It’s the softest and most tasty tonkatsu I’ve ever eaten. Pork wasn’t typical shape of tonkatsu meat. It was layered thin meat. Rice and cabbage were also very nice.

Although, Misa-chan and I don’t usually dear to queue for restaurants and cafes, we queued up for another place. We’re in a good mood and energetic after good lunch. We went to Pierre Marcolini, the world no.1 chocolatier! We wanted to try the chocolate parfait. It was hot outside. We had to queue for 30 minutes. We still believe it wasn’t bad for this famous chocolatier. When Misa-chan had the first spoon of the chocolate ice cream, she said "superb!". Yes, it was, indeed. Worth queuing up! However, after having tonkatsu, I have to admit it was though to finish the parfait 😉

Enjoyed good food a lot during the day. It was too full to eat supper 😉




おいしい昼ごはんにすっかり気をよくして 普段行列は大嫌いな私たちが今度はピエールマルコニーニで行列。マルコリーニは今世界で一番おいしいチョコレート屋だと言われている。そこで有名なチョコレートパフェを食べてみたかった。

外は暑かったけど30分待ち。それでもいいほうだったのでは?と思っているけど。チョコレートアイスクリームを一口食べたみさちゃんが一言。“これすごくおいしい!” その通り!すごくおいしかった。並んだ甲斐あり。とんかつの後のチョコレートパフェはちょっとヘビーではあったけれど。

昼間おいしいものを食べ過ぎて 夕飯が入らなかった。;-)

Lovely Day, Lovely Baguette

Sep. 17, 2005

Img_3354 A lovely day. I went to Ebisu in the morning. After going to the hospital, I had lunch at my favorite English sandwich shop. Baguette with Brie cheese and salami was smiley good!


Autumn Restorative

Sep. 16, 2005

Cool and nice autumn evening. I naturally chose to go to restorative yoga. Couldn’t think of anything better to do in this quiet evening. Body was tired after hot and humid summer. Maybe mind was tired, too.

Restorative yoga is very kind to our body. We’re not supposed to use any muscle but we use cushions, pillows, blankets, etc. to support body for relaxing poses. We stay in the same poses for long time. We share really quiet time in the class. I enjoyed posed and time to relax my body yawning many times 😉

My body and mind are ready to enjoy the long weekend after the yoga class. (This Monday is a national holiday.) The moon was beautiful this evening. 



回復ヨガはほんとに体に優しい。筋肉は使わず クッションや枕、毛布を使ってリラックスポーズをとっている間体を支える。ポーズをとっている時間も長め。そして静かに過ごす。今日もすっかりリラックス。あくびも たくさん出た。

体もほぐれたし 明日からの3連休 楽しく過ごせそう。今日は月がきれい・・・

Autumn Sky?

Sep. 16, 2005

Simg_0803_1  The photo was taken at around 6:00 pm from the office in Meguro. Very strange cloud…




Sep. 15, 2005


Pothos I woke up feeling good. It got much cooler. It has been hot and humid even in September. But this morning, I felt nice autumn air. Most people I chatted with at work said so, too.  During the day, it was hot but still I could feel autumn in the air. In the evening, I inhaled cool and nice autumn air. I must sleep much better tonight.

Whatever season it is, my pothos is growing without getting tired at all. Even when I was extremely tired during summer, it didn’t show any tiredness on my desk in the office. Of course, it didn’t get hot in the air-conditioned office but the plant didn’t get air-conditioner tiredness (which we get very easily) either. The pothos was Christmas present from one of  my best friends three years ago (might be four years ago). I managed to make it grow for the long time and it always cheers me up : )


朝起きてとても気持ちよかった。9月に入っても蒸し暑い日が続いていたけれど今朝はだいぶ涼しかった。秋の気配。会社で話した友人達もみんな同じように感じてたようだ。日中は暑かったけれど それでもどこかで秋を感じた。夕方さらに涼しくなって 気持ちよかった。秋の空気を思い切り吸い込んだ。今日はすごくよく眠れそう。

季節にはまったく関係なく 私のポトス(観葉植物)はぐんぐん成長している。真夏でも疲れきった私とは対照的に。会社の机の上に置いてるからポトスがそんなに夏を感じるかは疑問だけど クーラーにも負けない。冷房病にかかりやすい私たちとは大違い。このポトスは3年前(4年前かも)に親友からクリスマスプレゼントにもらったもの。それからずっと成長して今も元気。で いつも私を和ませてくれるのだ。