Record Rainfall in Tokyo

Sep. 4, 2005

Simg_0785_6 I was brushing the teeth. I heard announcement outside. It was the warning about the heavy rainfall. I called a friend living near the river to ask him if he and the river were OK but he didn’t answer. Maybe he was out. Just after that, it started rain, unbelievably heavy. Turned on the TV and saw the news saying it’s record waterfall in Tokyo and surroundings. It’s more than 100mm/hours!!! I’m scared thinking about the natural disaster happening all over the world… Tried to take pictures though it was dark outside (now 23:00)and I knew it was difficult to catch rain drops. But you can see the drops!!! (click the picture to enlarge). Typhoon is approaching to Kyushu.

One thought on “Record Rainfall in Tokyo

  1. Sorry but I did not notice your yesterday’s SMS. No problem on us. At that time, My wife and I were watching “Spiderman 2” DVD. Noise of rainfall was so loud, so I had to say “Hey Mr. Rain, please stop eating popcorn!”

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