Smiley Dinner

Sep. 11, 2005

I woke up feeling my back aching. The upper back was aching. It was very hot and Img_3318 humid until it started raining heavily in the afternoon. I went to Ebisu to see Yukiko.

We planned to go to Lebanese restaurant (close to Daikanyama station) to celebrate her birthday. Her birthday was at the end of August though. The restaurant is owned by Carlos Ghosn’s wife. (Carlos Ghosn is the famous President and Chief Executive Officer of Nissan Motors.), she told me.

I was wondering what food we’re going to eat…? Then remembered I’d been to Lebanese restaurant in Helsinki. Food was nice there but I remembered we ate too much and I was too full to sleep that night more than anything.

Anyway, we had good meal at My Lebanon! It wasn’t fatty but wasn’t too plain. Interior was also nice, Lebanese. I don’t know much about Lebanon but want to know it now. I’d love to visit My Lebanon again : )

We went to oil massage after the meal. There are many many massage places in Ebisu. They are almost every 2 meters. So competitive. We chose one and it gave us dreamy thirty minutes. The best way to spend Sunday evening! 


背中の上のほうが妙に痛んで目が覚めた日曜日。今日も蒸し暑かった。午後からまた大雨が降ってその後は打って変わって涼しくなったけど。夕方 ゆきこと恵比寿で会うことになっていた。

恵比寿(代官山)にあるレバノン料理の店に行くことにした。ちょっと遅くなったけど ゆきこの誕生日を祝うために。日産のカルロス・ゴーンの奥さんがやってる店だった。

でも レバノン料理ってどんな料理?そういえばヘルシンキでもレバノン料理の店に行ったことを思い出した。食事はおいしかったけどお腹が張り裂けそうになるまで食べてその夜は苦しかったことのほうが印象的だった。

それはともかく その店 マイ・レバノンはとてもおいしい店だった。脂っこくなかったけど あっさりしすぎてるわけでもなく。店のインテリアもすごくレバノンらしくて(ってよく知らないけど 想像するに)素敵だった。レバノンってどんな国なんだろうか?知りたくなった。


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