Head Aches!


Sep. 12, 2005


Though I felt pretty good when I had massage yesterday, my neck and shoulder were very stiff this morning. Weather was beautiful and it wasn’t humid. Look at the picture. It’s Meguro river near the office this morning.

The stiff neck and shoulder gave me a headache when I got to work. To recover from it, I took the second aspirin after lunch. It eased the ache a little but didn’t make it go away completely.

I still wanted to go to yoga. Yoga always gives me great relaxation and happiness. I thought it could work for my headache. I told Janell (yoga teacher on Monday) that I had a headache and requested some poses for headaches.Just after starting the practice, something unusual happened to me. I started sweating a lot! I sweat the most ever in yoga class. It didn’t stop all the time. Even now, after I had a shower at home! I hope I sweat because my body is detoxed.

Even though I still have a headache, yoga class was wonderful! I could concentrate on breath and asana (yoga pauses) despite the headache. Of course, I tried be mindful to myself. I still have pain but my mind is calm. Hope I feel much better tomorrow.



会社につくと首と肩の凝りから頭痛になった。治したくて お昼の後に今日2回目のバファリンを飲んでしまった。少しはよくなったけど まだちょっと痛みが残った。

それでもヨガに行きたくて仕方なかった。ヨガに行くとほんといつもすごくリラックスするし happy な気持ちになれるから。頭痛があるときはつらいから 逆にhappyな気持ちになれるところに行ったほうがいいかなーなんて思ったし。月曜の先生 ジャネルに頭が痛いことを話して頭痛に効くポーズをリクエスト。クラスが始まってすぐいつもと違うのに気づいた。汗がどっと噴出してきた。ほんとにたくさん。今までのヨガのクラスでなかったくらい。今 家に帰ってシャワーを浴びたところだけどまだ汗が止まらない。これで体の中が浄化されてるといいなーなんて思ってる。


2 thoughts on “Head Aches!

  1. How are you feeling today? I hope you had a good sleep and wake up refreshed, clear and painfree! I always enjoy having you in class. Have you checked out the Yoga Journal re headaches? They have an on line health service.

  2. Thank you, Janell. I checked out Yoga Journal. It seems there are many ways to treat headaches. I’ll go to see a doctor soon.

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