Oasis on The Bus

Sep.13, 2005


My head was still aching in the morning. I went to work later than usual. On the way to work, I was Img_3250 listening to Oasis. They are genius. Their music is absolutely cool! My most favorite in the latest album is "The Importance of Being Idle". I repeated it a couple of times in my i-Pod mini (Pink!) Lucky me had two chances to see and listen to Oasis : ) and look forward to the next chance! Their concert is awesome.

On the way back home, I went to some shops in Futakotamagawa. In one shop, I heard "Let It Be". (naturally I was singing it when I heard it!) The music reminded me of some friends who are living far away from Tokyo. Once we formed a band. Let It Be was one of the music we played in the band. Some of the band friends left Tokyo. There hasn’t been a chance that all of us get together since then. I’ve had many chances to see them separately though. Hope we all get together and play "Let It Be" again. There will be an answer, let It Be ♪

Photo : on the bus (the one I take to work almost every morning.)


今朝もまだ頭が痛かった。少し良くなるまで待ってから会社に行った。会社に行くバスの中でOasisのアルバムを聴いた。Oasisは天才的だし 最高にクール。最新のアルバムの中では "The Importance of Being Idle"が一番好き。今日も何回か繰り返し聴いた。(i-Pod mini のピンクで) 今までに2回オアシスを見に行った。もちろんまた行きたい。

帰りに二子玉川でショッピング。店で "Let It Be" がかかってた。思わず口ずさむ。そして遠くの友達のことを思い出す。バンドを一緒に組んでた友達のこと。"Let It Be"は私たちが最初に練習した曲だった。バンドメンバーの何人かが東京を離れ それ以来全員で集まったことがない。私はそれぞれに別々の機会に会ったりすることができるのだが・・・。いつかまたみんなで集まって"Let It Be"を演奏できたらいいな と思った。

There will be an answer, let It Be ♪


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