Birkenstock Saves Me

Sep. 14, 2005



Very hot and windy day in Tokyo today. I was wearing Birkenstock as I do almost everyday.

I have narrow feet and low instep. They are demanding. I’ve tried many different shoes. Invested a lot of money! Some shoe shops measured my feet carefully and made some adjustment. But most shoes made my feet hurt.

After spending much time and money, I met Birkenstock from Germany. Their sandals are famous (they make shoes as well!). I have three pairs already. Among them, the one I was wearing today is the very best. You can’t see them in the picture but they have belts around the ankles. They protect my feet very well and the feet don’t get tired at all for the good sole (typicak Birkenstock one) even when I walk a lot. (I wish I’ve had this pair when I went to Aichi Expo…)

Two years ago (was it?), I saw cute pink sandals of Birkenstock in London. The color was extremely cute. (Pink is my color!) I wanted to buy them but the shop didn’t have my size. I tried to find them in Tokyo and some other countries but couldn’t find. In January, I saw them through the shop window in West Australia but the shop was shut and I had to leave there early next morning. They have some other pink sandals in almost all the shops but they are different from what I saw and not as attractive as the one I liked a lot. I’m hoping they’ll make the one again! Birkenstock saves my feet!




でもついにビルケンシュトックが私の足を救ってくれた。このメーカーはサンダルで有名。靴もつくってるけど。私の持っている3足の中では今日履いてるのがベスト。写真には映っていない足首のところにベルトがついている。足をしっかり保護してくれるし おなじみの靴底のおかげでたくさん歩いても疲れない。(愛知万博に行ったときに履いてたら最高だったに違いない。でも買ったのはその後)

2年前くらいにロンドンですごくcute なピンクのビルケンを発見。超買いたかったけどサイズがなくて断念。それから東京や他の国でも探し続けたけれど見つからず。ついに今年の1月 西オーストラリアで発見。でもその店は閉まっていてガラス越しに見ただけ。次の日の朝早くその場所を離れなければいけなかったので買えずじまい。

ピンクのサンダルはビルケンの店でよく見かけてはいるのだが あのピンクはもう売ってない。特別な色だったのだ。いつかまた同じ色でサンダルを作ってくれることを祈るばかり・・・

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