The Harvest Moon

Sep. 21, 2005


Img_3404_1 Today, I met mom’s friend and her daughter for lunch. In the hotel we met, this painting attracted me. It expresses autumn in Japan.

There has been tradition to enjoy looking at the moon on Aug. 15 in the lunar calendar in Japan. It was brought from China in Nara  (AD710~ 794) ~ Heian (AD 794 ~1192) period. This year, it was Sep. 18.

There are many different ways to appreciate the beauty of the moon in the autumn clear sky. But what come to my mind first when I hear about moon viewing are Japanese silver grasses & dumplings to offer the moon. (Of course, the moon never eats the dumplings though it might look at the grasses 😉 I don’t know how many families are still doing traditional moon viewing though.

When I was working for Hong Kong government office (it was already under Chinese government), I remember we got together in the meeting room and were offered moon cakes. I didn’t know moon cakes are available only during moon viewing season in China as it’s available all the time in Japan. But Chinese friends told me it’s not except the tourist places like airports.

Weather is very pleasant in autumn in Japan. Good time to enjoy the nature and the autumn food : ) I’m glad we have this season after the hot & humid summer.



旧暦の8月15日がお月見の日で今年はそれが9月18日だった。お月見の習慣は中国からもたらされたもので 奈良時代から平安時代にかけてのことだそうだ。お月見のときのお供え物には地方によって また家族によってそれぞれ違うようだし 最近どれくらいの人たちがお月見をしているのかは分からないけれど お月見と聞いてすぐに思い浮かぶのはススキと月見饅頭。

香港政府(すでに中国だったが)の代表オフィス(東京で)で働いていたときには 会議室に集まって月餅を食べたのを覚えている。中国で月餅が売られるのは中秋の名月の前後だけだそうで 最近中国人の友達に聞いて初めて知った。もちろん空港とか 観光客が集まるところではどこでも売ってるそうだ。

秋の天気は心地よい。自然も美しいし もちろん秋の味覚も楽しみにひとつ。蒸し暑くてほんとに大変な夏の後に そんな秋があるのはほんとありがたい。

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