Power of The Sun

Flower_1  Sep. 29, 2005

It was lovely weather today. Sun was shining comfortably. It was as if the sun was smiling (not laughing as it was in summer!).

When I went out for lunch, I felt power of the sun, It definitely has power to heal people’s mind : )

I took the picture on the way to work this morning. Flowers were pretty with sunshine. I didn’t have my camera but took it by mobile. No good quality 😉 Shame!

今日はとても気分がよくなる天気だった。太陽の日差しも心地よかったし。夏の間馬鹿笑いだった太陽も今は微笑みかけてる感じ (なーんて)

ランチにでかけたときに 思ったこと。日の光には絶対人の心を癒す作用がある。


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