Land of Plenty

Oct. 30, 2005

Seattle Went to see a film, "Land of Plenty". The title clicked in my mind. I didn’t know much about the story even when I entered the cinema. I knew it was not love comedy though.

A 20-year old American girl who grew up in Africa and Israel came to California to find her uncle. It wasn’t about her adventure to look for the uncle. Through their experience and people they met, the film showed me 9.11, Vietnam War, Israel & the Palestinians, drugs, poverty even in the Land of Plenty (USA), etc. It made me think about the tragedy that is happening all the time all over the world. At the same time, I was impressed by the girl who was praying for love and peace.

I took the picture in the Land of Plenty. Couldn’t find any other picture taken in America in my PC.


今日は  "Land of Plenty" という映画を観に行った。タイトルに惹かれたのだけれど内容についてはあまりよく分からないまま映画館に向かった。ラブコメじゃないことだけは分かっていたけど。

アフリカとイスラエルで育った20歳のアメリカ人の女の子が伯父を探しに故郷アメリカに渡る。でも伯父さん探しの旅の話じゃない。彼らの見ること、やること、そして出会う人々を通して 9.11、ベトナム戦争、イスラエル・パレスチナ問題、麻薬、豊かな国アメリカにですらある貧困などを垣間見る。今この瞬間にも世界中のいろんな場所で起こっている悲惨な出来ごとや状況について考えさせられた。そして同時に愛と平和を祈る女の子の姿にも感銘を受けた。

写真は豊める国、アメリカで撮ったもので 唯一私のPCの中で探せたもの。

In Tsukuba

Oct. 27, 2005

Img_1318_1 Another company trip brought me to Tsukuba. Though I was looking forward to taking pictures of mountains, weather wasn’t good for that. Who said it wouldn’t be raining this week? It didn’t matter to see chrysanthemums though.

筑波山の写真を撮るのを楽しみに出かけた(またまた)会社のグループ旅行だったけど 天気があいにく。天気予報で1週間雨は降らないって言ってたのに。でも菊がきれいだった。

Img_1341_1 Img_1351_1

Mt Fuji

Oct. 25, 2005

Dsc02209 Beautiful sunset at around 4:45PM through the office window. Mt. Fuji was there but the dirty mark was at the window as well.

夕方4時45分ごろのきれいな夕焼け。会社の窓越しに撮影。富士山がきれいに見えたのだけれど 窓ガラスの汚れも映ってしまった。

Sunny Sunday

Oct. 23, 2005

Warm sunny Sunday. I noticed one of Autumn beauty just at my balcony. Construction of my neighbor continues under the blue sky.






Oct. 22, 2005

Rainy day… I got a new bed delivered. Since I threw away the old bed, I’ve been sleeping on the floor using an excellent mattress. It was good that I could have more space in the room when I was not sleeping. However, I started feeling I was missing a certain place. I’ve been missing the place where I always tumble in without preparation when I feel tired or want to indulge myself. Having the new bed in my room, I feel I got back my small castle.


雨の土曜日。午前中に注文したベッドが届いた。前のベッドを捨ててから体にいいマットレスだけで寝ていた。昼間はたたんでおけるから部屋が広く使えてはいたけれど 何かが足りない気がした。そう、疲れたときや自分をいたわってあげたいときに 準備しなくてもすぐに潜り込める場所がなかったのだ。新しいベッドが届いて なんだか自分の小さい城が戻ってきたような気がした。

Autumn in Iwaki City, Fukushima

Oct. 21, 2005

Img_1267 I went to Iwaki City in Fukushima (the Southeast part of North Japan). It was company’s group trip for team-building. Weather was much much better than we expected.

We stayed at spa hotel, Spa Resort Hawaiians. You’d feel you’re in Hawaii there 😉 If you doubt it, please have a look at it @ 😉

Eurpoean style spa was relaxing at night though it was a bit cold to be outside. I liked the music jaguzzi where I could relax with the relaxing music, the most.

This morning, I went to Japanese hot springs. It was beautiful. There was no one else than me. Very quiet, sun was shining calmly at the outside bath (Roten-buro). Combination of the steam from the hot springs and the calm sunlight looked mysterious. I didn’t dare to get up early when I went to hot springs before but I think I’ll do. It’s such a pleasure to have a morning bath at the hot springs.

Mountains, the sky and flowers were beautiful on the autumn days. Link to the pictures (Autumn, Iwaki City) is in the side bar.




今朝は露天風呂に行った。超日本っぽいやつ。たまたま私一人しかいなくてすごく静か。それに朝のきれいな日差しが差し込んで素敵だった。湯気と光の組み合わせがちょっと神秘的なのもよかった。今までは温泉に行っても少し早起きして朝風呂に行こうとは思わなかったけど たぶんこれからはクセになると思う。それほど今日の朝風呂が気に入ってしまった。

山や空、それに花、自然が秋らしくきれいだった。写真はサイドバーのリンクからどうぞ。Autumn, Iwaki City です。

Sunny Morning

Oct. 20, 2005

Very very sunny morning! I’m heading north. Hope weather is nice there, too and I can take nice pictures.

久々にすごく天気がいい。今日はこれから東北方面へ。福島も天気がよくて いい写真が撮れますように・・・