Autumn Jumbo

Oct. 11, 2005

Img_3440 Still cloudy today, where has the sun gone? I’m looking forward to a sunny day. But more than that, I’m looking forward to this Friday. It’s the day for drawing of Autumn Jumbo, lottery! I don’t usually buy it but somehow, this time, I felt I could win 😉 I bought 10 tickets. The first prize is 150 million yen!!!

At lunch time, I was talking with friends about it. What would we buy if we won the first prize. I would buy a flat but still I would have a lot of money left. I’d be traveling all the time and enjoy photo shooting, writing something about the places I go to and publish it in the blog.One of the friends said she would continue working as a hobby but maybe I wouldn’t do it. Anyways, it’s fun to dream of something like that sometimes.

In the evening, I said "Wow", when I saw outside through the window. The sky was again beautiful. (it’s today’s photo) On the way back to home, on the train, I saw news that that the season’s first snow has fallen on Mt. Fuji.


Img_3439今日も曇り空。秋晴れの日が待ち遠しいけれど それよりもっと待ち遠しいのは今週の金曜日。オータムジャンボの抽選日なのだ。普段宝くじにはあまり興味がないのだけれど今回はなぜか当たるような気がしてバラで10枚購入。1等は1億5千万円!

昼休みに会社の友達と 当たったら何を買うかで盛り上がった。私はまずマンションを買う。それでもお金は有り余るから そのお金で世界中を旅行して写真をとってそれにエッセイを書いてこのブログで発表し続ける。一人の友達は趣味で仕事も続けると言ったけれど私の場合たぶんそれはないだろう。たまにはそんなことを考えるのも楽しいなーと思った。

ところで夕方とてもきれいな空を見た。今日の写真はそれ。帰りの電車の中では 富士山に初雪っていうニュースを見た。

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