In Harajuku

Oct. 19, 2005

Img_3483 Had a half-day off. After having lunch in Omotesando, I walked to Yoyogi park. On the way, I stopped y some favorite shops such like fcuk (French Connections), benetton & GAP and some new (for me!) shops.

Near Yoyogi park, there were many youngsters who were on the way to J-POP concert. Everyone was wearing the same T-shirts.

I found lovely flowers in the park which made me smile : ) I like to walk in the area. Nice shops and flowers : ) I bought two T-shirts at GAP.


今日は午後会社を休んだ。表参道でランチした後 代々木公園に向かって散歩。途中で大好きなfcuk (French Connections), benetton それに GAPに寄ったり 新しい店を開拓したり。

代々木公園付近は ケツメイシのコンサートに向かう若者でにぎわってた。 みんな同じTシャツを着て。

代々木公園で きれいな花を発見。思わず笑顔。表参道や原宿を歩くのは楽しい。いいお店もたくさんあるし、こんな花も見れるし。ちなみにGAPでTシャツを2枚購入。

Paper Door

Oct. 17, 2005

Img_3472 I have paper doors ("shoji" in Japanese)in my flat. The two doors facing to the south had been torn especially at the bottom for quite a while. I thought of fixing it by myself and bought the paper and glue. But I couldn’t believe that I could do it 😉 A friend at work told me she asked Silver Human Resources Centers (retired people register themselves as a worker skilled there) to do it. It’s usually cheaper than professional shops.

I tired the same thing and it was very efficient. I called them last Thursday and an old guy came to my flat on Sunday. It was very interesting to see what he was doing. I wouldn’t have been able to do it! I couldn’t even take the paper door off when I tried before.He was very skillful. Two doors were fixed in two hours.

The paper doors are very white and beautiful. I’m enjoying being in the Japanese room looking at the nice doors : )

Unfortunately, the picture is not showing how beautiful it is now.


私の住んでる家には障子があるのだけれどだいぶ長いこと何箇所かが破れていてあまりいい感じじゃなかった。自分で張替えようと思って障子紙とのりを買ってみたけど なんか出来る気がしなかった。会社の友達が区のシルバーセンターに頼んで障子の張替えをたのんでやってもらったというので私も真似させてもらった。





Oct. 16, 2005


Img_3468 I couldn’t access "TypePad" to put a new post yesterday. It was a humid day but it was still nice weather during the day. It started raining only in the evening when I went to ABC Bookshop in Omotesando. They give us 20% discount for all foreign books and magazines when it’s raining. I thought it’s still expensive though.

I found an interesting photo exhibition when I was having tea with a friend before going to the bookshop, . The photo and the word "Mt" in the postcard-size advert attracted me. The gallery was close to the cafe. We went there. The photos of the mountain shaped things (even the Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima) were interesting but I thought the postcard advert was the best. The photographer was Go Watanabe.

Img_3471 Before the rain, I took some picture of the sky. Again, it was different and beautiful. I also took a pictures of people queuing for sushi restaurant in Shibuya. I haven’t seen this long cue there before though I knew it was nice and very popular one. The queue looked very Japanese.


昨日はブログページにログインできたなかった。とても蒸し暑い日だったけれど夕方雨が降り始めるまではいい天気だった。ちょうど雨が降り始めた頃青山ブックセンターに行った。雨が降ると洋書と洋雑誌が2割引きになるのだけれど それでも高いなーって感じだった。

本屋に行く前にオーバルビルのカフェで友達とお茶してたら写真展の広告が目に入った。ハガキになった案内状みたいなやつ。そのハガキの写真とMt っていうタイトルがすごく気に入ったので場所を見るとすぐ近く。早速行ってみた。山のように見えるものの写真のコレクション。広島の原爆ドームもあったり。なかなかおもしろかったけど私の中ではそのハガキがベストって感じだった。ちなみに 渡辺 剛さんという写真家です。

雨が降る前にまた空の写真を撮った。そろそろ飽きそうなものだけれど やっぱり毎日違うので気になる。渋谷の みどり寿司 の前ですごい行列も発見した。みどり寿司はおいしくて有名でいつも行列ができてるけどこんなに長いのは初めて。すごく日本的かも。

Buddhist Festival

Oct. 12, 2005

Img_1177_2I went to see a festival, "Oeshiki", to Ikegami Honmonji temple. It’s an anniversary of St.Nichiren’s death. Check out the web. They have English page. (most probably you can’t access it at the moment. People are trying to access it to see the festival on live.) Click the pictures to enlarge.

池上本門司のお会式を見に行った。詳しくは寺のWeb pageを見てみてください (お会式の様子を生中継したりしてるのでアクセス殺到。アクセスするのはかなりの難関だと思うけど。)写真はクリックするとおおきくなります。



Img_1147_1 Img_1200_2Img_1197_1Img_1157

Autumn Jumbo

Oct. 11, 2005

Img_3440 Still cloudy today, where has the sun gone? I’m looking forward to a sunny day. But more than that, I’m looking forward to this Friday. It’s the day for drawing of Autumn Jumbo, lottery! I don’t usually buy it but somehow, this time, I felt I could win 😉 I bought 10 tickets. The first prize is 150 million yen!!!

At lunch time, I was talking with friends about it. What would we buy if we won the first prize. I would buy a flat but still I would have a lot of money left. I’d be traveling all the time and enjoy photo shooting, writing something about the places I go to and publish it in the blog.One of the friends said she would continue working as a hobby but maybe I wouldn’t do it. Anyways, it’s fun to dream of something like that sometimes.

In the evening, I said "Wow", when I saw outside through the window. The sky was again beautiful. (it’s today’s photo) On the way back to home, on the train, I saw news that that the season’s first snow has fallen on Mt. Fuji.


Img_3439今日も曇り空。秋晴れの日が待ち遠しいけれど それよりもっと待ち遠しいのは今週の金曜日。オータムジャンボの抽選日なのだ。普段宝くじにはあまり興味がないのだけれど今回はなぜか当たるような気がしてバラで10枚購入。1等は1億5千万円!

昼休みに会社の友達と 当たったら何を買うかで盛り上がった。私はまずマンションを買う。それでもお金は有り余るから そのお金で世界中を旅行して写真をとってそれにエッセイを書いてこのブログで発表し続ける。一人の友達は趣味で仕事も続けると言ったけれど私の場合たぶんそれはないだろう。たまにはそんなことを考えるのも楽しいなーと思った。

ところで夕方とてもきれいな空を見た。今日の写真はそれ。帰りの電車の中では 富士山に初雪っていうニュースを見た。

Tokyo Yogini Life

Oct. 10, 2005


It’s the sport day, national holiday. Weather is supposed to be good almost every year on the day. But it’s not this year.

I went shopping to Omotesando. I wanted buy yoga clothes which, I knew, would please me a lot : ) I got off at Omotesando station and started walking to lululemon, the most famous yoga clothes shop in Tokyo (maybe in the world!) On the way, I stopped at Aoayama book center, where I checked some travel books. I have some ideas of traveling at the moment and wanted to see some pictures of the places.

After the bookshop, another shop attracted me on the street. It was a new shop called "Stone Market". A lot of pretty stones and jewelries, and of course a lot of girls in the shop. I decided to make my own bracelet. It was fun to choose stones and loved the one they made for me.

While I was waiting for the bracelet done, I went to lululemon. I tried several pants and tops and bought black pants and red top, which I thought, were cool! People in the shop were very very friendly and we even talked about yoga class we’re going.

Came home and had an hour to leave for yoga class. I wanted to go to yoga with the new clothes. For that, I needed to get pants shortened by myself. The shop said it would take ten days if they did. I’m not good at sewing at all but I had to do. With the motivation and concentration I finished it in an hour and it looked OK, actually better than I expected 😉

I went to yoga and had a lot of fun with the substitute teacher : )



かの有名なヨガウェアショップ ルルレモンでウェアを買ってみようと思った。ちょっと自分にご褒美ってな感じで。表参道で地下鉄から降りてショップに向かう途中、青山ブックセンターにも寄ってみた。いくつか行ってみたいと思っている場所があって ガイドブックをチェックしたかったので。というか写真をみてイメージを膨らませたかった。

本屋を出てすぐまた目に留まった店があった。"Stone Market" という店が新しく出来ていて天然石やそれで作ったアクセサリーを売ってる店だった。すごくきれいな石がたくさんあって もちろん女の子でいっぱいだった。私はオリジナルブレスレットを作ることに決めて早速石を選択。それもまたすごく楽しかった。出来上がったブレスレットもすごく気に入ったし。

ブレスレットが出来上がるのを待っている間 ルルレモンに行った。何着か試着して 黒いパンツと赤いトップを購入。なんだかクールな気がしてならなかった。店の人もとってもフレンドリーで 自分の行ってるヨガ教室の話とかもし合ったり。

家に帰ってきて 早速やることがあった。パンツの丈つめ。どーしても新しいウェアを着てヨガのクラスに行きたかったのだ。時間は1時間。裁縫は苦手中の苦手。でも やる気があれば意外とうまくいくもんだなーと思った。出来上がりは意外とよくて というか私の期待以上だった!

そしてヨガのクラスへ。今日は代行の先生だったのだけれど それもまたとても楽しかった : )    

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory

Oct. 8, 2005

I went to see a film with a friend. The elevator to the cinema in the shopping center at Shinyurigaoka was busy. When weather is not very nice, combination of cinema and shopping center is one of the best things to do, I guess.

We saw Japanese dubbed version of "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory". First time to see dubbed version of any film and I wasn’t sure whether I would enjoy it or not. But in the end, it didn’t matter.

There were a lot of kids in the cinema as the film was about a boy who went to the chocolate factory. I thought I might get bored but I didn’t. I have to say it wasn’t for kids but for adults. I think kids couldn’t understand it much. They might have been really scared seeing some weird scenes.

Clouds I don’t say the film was my favorite but enjoyed it. After the film, we went to outside cafe. Fortunately, it wasn’t raining while we’re there. We enjoyed looking at the sky (again different face of the sky!) and coffee & sweets. I didn’t have Canon today but took a picture of the sky by Nokia. No good quality again 😉

By the way, thank you Hiderin and Sami for the comments on my previous post. Sami’s pictures of the sky are excellent.



チャーリーとチョコレート工場の吹き替え版を観た。映画館で吹き替えの映画を観るのは初めてなのでどーなのかな って思ってたけどそんなことはあまり関係なく楽しめた。

チョコレート工場に行く男の子の物語なので子供もたくさんいて もしや私は退屈してしまうような話なのか・・・なんて心配してたけど そんなこともまったくなかった。ってゆーか (なんて)子供には意味が分からないだろうなーと思った。それどころか奇妙なシーンがトラウマになっちゃうんじゃないかとすら思った。

私のタイプの映画ではなかったけれど十分楽しめた。映画のあとでお茶をした。外のテーブルに座れたので(テーブルに座る? 変だけど そう言いたい)空を眺めて楽しんだ。雨がちな1日だったけどカフェにいるときはちょうど雨があがっていた。今日もまた特別な感じの雲だった。もちろんコーヒーとスイーツ(今風な表現だとこーだよね)もniceだった。今日はデジカメを持っていなかったので携帯での雲撮影。相変わらず低いクオリティなのだった。

ところで ひでりん と Sami、おとといのブログにコメントしてくれてありがとう。Samiが自分のページの空の写真へのリンクを載せてくれた。すごくきれい!  

The Sky

Oct. 6, 2005

Img_3435_2 I like to look at the sky especially after our office moved to Meguro. We’re on the 17th floor and the view is great! Today, I saw some different faces of the sky.

It was raining in the morning. We hadn’t seen the sun for a couple of days. Suddenly, sunshine came through the thick clouds. It was dramatic and beautiful.


After that, the sky showed another lovely face. The orange light was impressive.

The sky is something fairly given to everyone to enjoy.





朝は雨。ここ何日か日が出てないなーと思った。でも 午後になって雲の隙間から(まさに隙間から)日が差し込んだ。ちょっとドラマティックでなにかを啓示してるかのように。

