Pushkin Museum Collection

Nov. 13, 2005



Went to Ueno to see Pushkin museum collection. The Tokyo Metropolitan museum was unbelievably crowded. It was as if we were on the train in central Tokyo! I had no time to stop in front of the painting and feel what the paintings are expressing.

Monet, Matisse and Picasso were the most popular as anyone can easily imagine. I think it was the busiest in front of Goldfish of Matisse (it’s in the picture of the exhibition poster). I liked it the best as well. I think the pink in the painting gives us warm feeling. I also liked the ones painted in a pointillist manner.

I noticed colorful paintings were more popular than less colorful (dark color) ones in general.

It was really a shame that I couldn’t stay in front of each picture as much as I wanted. I hope I’ll have another chance to see the Goldfish. Maybe I need to go to Russia to visit Pushkin museum.




もちろんモネ、マティス、ピカソなんかが大人気。その中でもマティスの金魚の前が一番の人だかりだった。(ポスターの写真にあるのがその金魚です。) 私も 金魚が一番印象に残った作品。絵に使われているピンク色がなんとも暖かい印象を与えてくれるのがいいなと思った。それから点描を使って書かれた作品が好きだった。


それにしてもゆっくり鑑賞できなかったのが残念。またどこかで 金魚 を見る機会があればいいなーと思ってる。ロシアのプーシキン美術館に行くのも悪くないかなー。

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