Smile at Night

Nov. 16, 2005

On the way home, I looked at the sky. It was very clear. A full moon and stars were shining. A little bit cold night but I smiled appreciating the beautiful sky even in central Tokyo.

Tried to take a picture of the moon but my tripod was broken… Still I took some pictures…



Cold in Tokyo!

Nov. 15, 2005

The earthquake had waken me up several minutes before my alarm clock rang. I was annoyed as I missed the last minutes of the sleep. I woke up anyway feeling cold. It got cold last night and was colder this morning. Autumn is ending… I think we feel very cold when the weather is changing though it’s much warmer than real winter. I pulled a thick jacket from my closet. I noticed many people were talking about the cold weather on the way to and at work.

Someone told me at work, kerosene price rose sharply this year. It was about 800 yen/18LTR last year but it’s 1200 yen this year. Another friend said it was 1300 yen near her home. Anyways, it’s very expensive!!! Luckily I don’t need to buy it for my electric heater though.

After having excellent African supper and meltingly delicious chestnut dessert with one of the best friends, I bought bath powder to relax in the bath. Having a bath is a must when it’s cold.

朝 地震で目が覚めた。あと数分で目覚ましがなるところだった。その数分の睡眠時間が奪い取られたような気がしてちょっと不機嫌。そしてとても寒かった。昨日の夜もだいぶ寒かったけど今朝もとても寒いと思った。秋ももう終わりなんだなー。実際ほんとの冬はもっと寒いのだけれど季節の変わり目はなんだかとても寒く感じるように思える。クローゼットから厚目のジャケットを取り出した。この寒さが今日の話題の中心だったことは言うまでもない。

会社で 灯油の価格が急騰したことを聞いた。18リットルで去年は800円くらいだったのがなんと今年は1200円。夕方会った友達のところでは1300円だと聞いた。とにかく高い!デロンギを使っている私は灯油を買わなくていいのでラッキーかも。電気代は高いと思っていたけど。

夕方親友と かなりおいしいアフリカ料理と舌もとろけるような栗のデザートを楽しんだ帰り、思わず入浴剤を購入。寒い日のお風呂は必須だ。

Pushkin Museum Collection

Nov. 13, 2005



Went to Ueno to see Pushkin museum collection. The Tokyo Metropolitan museum was unbelievably crowded. It was as if we were on the train in central Tokyo! I had no time to stop in front of the painting and feel what the paintings are expressing.

Monet, Matisse and Picasso were the most popular as anyone can easily imagine. I think it was the busiest in front of Goldfish of Matisse (it’s in the picture of the exhibition poster). I liked it the best as well. I think the pink in the painting gives us warm feeling. I also liked the ones painted in a pointillist manner.

I noticed colorful paintings were more popular than less colorful (dark color) ones in general.

It was really a shame that I couldn’t stay in front of each picture as much as I wanted. I hope I’ll have another chance to see the Goldfish. Maybe I need to go to Russia to visit Pushkin museum.




もちろんモネ、マティス、ピカソなんかが大人気。その中でもマティスの金魚の前が一番の人だかりだった。(ポスターの写真にあるのがその金魚です。) 私も 金魚が一番印象に残った作品。絵に使われているピンク色がなんとも暖かい印象を与えてくれるのがいいなと思った。それから点描を使って書かれた作品が好きだった。


それにしてもゆっくり鑑賞できなかったのが残念。またどこかで 金魚 を見る機会があればいいなーと思ってる。ロシアのプーシキン美術館に行くのも悪くないかなー。

About Photos

Nov. 12, 2005

You can see the photos I took recently following the link in the side bar. Please click each photo to enlarge it. Just in case you don’t know it 😉2005-11 Macau & H.K is the latest album.

知らない人がいるかもしれないので念のため。右のサイドバーのリンクから私が最近撮った写真のページに行けます。で、写真はクリックすると大きくなります。(くれぐれも念のため ;-)2005-11 Macau & H.K が最新です。

The Moon

Nov. 12, 2005

Moon_2   The moon was beautiful this evening. It’s a shame I didn’t have better-quality camera with me when it was shining.


The Music Picturesque in England

Nov. 11, 2005

Img_3527 The sky was almost crying. It was a bit cold day.

I went to the church in Shin-Okubo with a friend to listen to music. It was a baroque music concert, "The Music Picturesque in England". Harmonie Antique performed music of Henry Purcell, Handel etc. It was a group of four ladies, recorderist, traversist, oboist and cembalist. Today, a violist joined them.I was very impressed by their performance. They were in perfect harmony. Sounds of viola and cembalo was extremely beautiful.

It was a good way of spending late autumn evening.

(Photo was taken in the church.)


秋も深まってきた。寒いし 今にも雨が降ってきそうな1日だった。

友達と新大久保にある教会にバロック音楽を聴きに行った。“イギリス 音の風景” というコンサート。あるもニーアンティークという女性4人のグループで リコーダー、フラウト・トラヴェルソ、バロック・オーボエ、チェンバロという構成。で 今日はゲストでヴィオラが加わった。

演奏の息がぴったりで素晴らしかった。それにヴィオラとチェンバロの音色に感動。晩秋の金曜の夜、こんな風に過ごし方も素敵だと思う。 (写真は教会で撮りました。)

Beautiful Sunset 

Nov. 9, 2005

Mtfuji Very clear sky all day long. We could see Mt. Fuji much more clearly than usual. Even after sunset, I saw dark but blue sky on the way to yoga class.

1日中空が澄んでいて 夕方にはいつもよりもっときれいに富士山が見えた。日が沈んだ後ですら ヨガスタジオに向かう途中で見上げた空は暗いながらも真っ青だった。

Coming Home…

Nov. 8, 2005

Macau_3 Came home from Macau & Hong Kong yesterday. Spending several days in the crowded and polluted places, Tokyo looks different from what I knew before…The sky was quite blue with very white clouds when I arrived at Narita yesterday. Pictures I took during the trip are  in the on-line album. Please have a look at them. Link from the right sidebar!


マカオから香港経由で昨日帰ってきた。すごい混雑して空気が汚れた場所から戻ってくると 東京も以前私が知っていたのと違う感じすらしてしまう。成田に着いたとき真っ青な空と真っ白な雲を思わず見上げた。今回の旅行の写真も右側のサイドバーからリンクしてます。

In Macau

Nov. 4, 2005

The second day in Macau. It’s more Chinese than before. Last time when I came Macau was when it was still belonging to Portugal. It was more European then.

It’s hot and I’m writing in the Internet cafe in downtown.

I’m taking a lot of pictures and enjoying being here. Though I have to say it’s not relaxing to be in the crowded and polluted town, it’s exciting.

Churches are beautiful. Liked St. Dominic church the best so far. We had delicious Portuguese supper yesterday. Octopus risotto was the best!