Yoga in Samui

Dec. 28, 2005

The third day in Samui and second day of Ashtanga practice. My legs and arms are sore. To ease the pain, I went to spa for massage. It was OK but wasn’t great, unfortunately.

I skipped afternoon restorative class yesterday and today as my body was too tired. (Ashtanga class is everyday in the morning.) I just hope I’ll have less pain tomorrow morning!



Arrival at Bangkok

Dec. 26, 2005

Arrived at Bangkok at midnight. Tried to find the terminal hotel I booked but couldn’t find it. It was inside of the immigration and I couldn’t go back there after going through the immigration. Thought about staying at the airport to spend time as there were only 5 hours to check in for the flight to Samui. But I was too tired and my head was aching. I decided to go to some hotel near the airport. I had three hours to sleep but couldn’t sleep much. Got up at 4:00 am and went to the airport. Though I was exhausted, headache has gone.

25日の夜中にバンコクに到着。予約していたターミナルホテルを探したが見当たらない。なんとそのホテルはイミグレーションを通過する前にあった。もちろん イミグレを一度通過してからそこに戻ることはできなかった。そのまま空港でサムイに行く飛行機を待とうかとも思った。バンコク到着から5時間後にはチェックインの時間だったし。でもそれには疲れ過ぎていたしいつもながら頭痛もしていた。空港の近くのホテルに行くことに決める。そこで3時間の睡眠・・・でもよく眠れなかった。4時には起きて空港に向かった。超疲れていたけれど頭痛治ってい。


Dec. 22, 2005

My 10-day holiday will start tomorrow. Quite many other people in our office will be off from tomorrow as well. Year-end is one of  good chances for the people working in Japan to have a long holiday (I mean "long holiday" in Japanese standard). Traditionally most companies close for several days from the end of December to the beginning of January (typically first three days of the new year). Though our company is foreign, we follow Japanese custom. Our office is closed from Dec. 30 to Jan.3. In addition, this weekend is a long weekend. Though we don’t have Christmas holiday in Japan, this is almost like that.

I decided to go to yoga retreat in Thailand. It will be wonderful to be there practicing yoga and seeing nice view on the beach. I’m so much looking forward to this Sunday when I’m flying to Bangkok. I heard at least three other people than me from the yoga studio are going to Thailand during this holiday. Though we’ll be in different places in Thailand, it seems to be very popular among yogis : )





Absolutely White!

Dec. 18, 2005

Img_3652 Went skiing to Gala in Niigata. This was my first ski trip of the season. Last year we had to cancel the first trip we planned in December as there was almost no snow. It was warm last winter. Ski season started later and ended earlier. But this season, we didn’t have to worry about it at all! Everyday I heard "dense mass of cold air" on TV news. It was crazily snowing in Niigata when we got there. It was absolutely White. And full of powder snow!!! It made sound of powder when we started walking on the snow. Hurray!

Snow didn’t stop till three o’clock and it was freezing cold when we got to the top of the mountain (not that high though 😉 Lift was the coldest place. But gradually the clouds were clearing away. And here came the sun! Breathtaking scenery came out. I had to stop many times not because my lags were tired (it’s up to you whether you believe or not 😉 but because to enjoy the view.I loved it 🙂

What a lovely day! I enjoyed skiing and being beautiful nature.


ガーラ湯沢で 今シーズン最初のスキー。去年は雪がなくてシーズン初めに計画した12月のスキーはキャンセルする羽目になったのだが今年はまったくそんな心配はなし。毎日のようにこの冬一番の寒気団のニュース。今日も新潟はものすごい勢いで雪が降っていた。山は真っ白。もちろんパウダースノー。歩くとキュッ、キュッと音がいsた。やった!

3時ごろまで雪は降り続いた。山の一番上まで行ったときは(そんなに高くもないとは思うけど)ほんと寒かった。リフトもほんと寒かった。でもだんだん雲が切れていって ついに太陽が。そして息を呑むようにきれいな景色が現れた。スロープの途中で何度も立ち止まった。疲れたからじゃなくて景色があまりにきれいだったから。(このコメントを信じるかどうかはお任せします 😉


New Omotesando Station

Dec. 17, 2005

Img_2055 I got off the train at Omotesando station. The station has been renewed. It’s totally different from what I’ve known since my university days. It has a lot of shops now. Although the shops looked interesting, the new station disappointed me. I didn’t like to see much more people at the station than before. It was very very crowded. I got worried Omotesando is going to become a small Shibuya…??? Hope not. (Photo: Omotesando station)


表参道で地下鉄を降りた。最近話題の えちか。新しくなった駅は大学時代から慣れ親しんだ駅とは全然違うものになっていた。お店はすごくおもしろそうだったけど、なんだかがっかり。とにかく人が多かったのだ。表参道もプチ渋谷になってしまうのだろうか・・・それだけはごめんだ。(写真は表参道の駅)

Big Stake

Dec. 14, 2005

It was a cold day again. I went for dinner with friends. El Amigo near Kaminoge station offers big stakes (up to 1kg!). And all foods are good there. Boys were eating big stakes (not 1kg one this time) though I didn’t dare to try…

On the way back home, I thought about "MUST" things in cold winter. Knit cap, warm bath and ginger tea… I came home, took a warm bath and drank ginger tea… Good Night : )

またまた寒い1日。友達と上野毛のエル・アミーゴにに晩御飯を食べに行った。この店は特大のステーキを出すので有名。一番大きいのはなんと1キロ。ステーキだけじゃなくてなんでもおいしい。私以外の人たちは大きいステーキを注文。(1キロじゃなかったけど) 私は小さめのハンバーグに。

帰り道に考えた。この寒い冬に必須のアイテムは・・・?ニットの帽子に温かいお風呂、それから しょうが紅茶(実際にはカフェインを避けるためにルイボスティー)。家に帰って早速お風呂に入って しょうがルイボスティーを飲んだ・・・暖かく眠れそう・・・

The Coldest Day

Dec. 13, 2005 Img_19071

Yahoo News was telling that this morning was the coldest so far this winter. 2.6 degrees C in Tokyo. Very cold compared with last year. 

Gala Yuzawa where I’m going skiing this weekend has 180cm snow! Very Good : )

Yahoo News によると今日は今年の冬一番の冷え込みだそうで、なんと東京の今朝の最低気温は2.6度。去年に比べるとだいぶ寒い。
