Mindful of The Health

Dec. 8, 2005

Img_18891I had a very painful headache on Monday. I already felt I’d have a headache on Sunday night and took medicine before going to bed. But it didn’t work. Having another pain killer, I went to work on Monday. But the pain didn’t go away all day long.

I went home earlier without going to yoga class to have a rest, which I thought the best way to ease the pain. I tried to sleep as soon as I got home. But it was too pailful to sleep. I couldn’t sleep almost at all at night. But just before the alarm rang, suddenly the headache has gone! I don’t know why. It was Tuesday morning.

I desperately wanted to have massage. I knew stiff shoulders and neck caused the headache. I ended up with chiropractic in Meguro. The chiropractic practitioner was surprised to touch my neck, shoulder and back. He almost couldn’t believe how stiff they were. The treatment was good! I felt my shoulders light.  The practitioner told me that I should be more mindful of the health. Though I didn’t think I was not mindful of it, I decided to take some more time to take care of my stiff neck and shoulders. I was told to come the next day again and did it. After the second treatment, I felt my body much lighter. I’ll take the chiropractic treatment for a while so that I can get rid of headcases!      

The picture is today’s sunset.




マッサージに行かなくては!と思った。頭痛はまちがいなくカチカチになった首と肩のせいだと思ったし。目黒のカイロプラクティックに行ってみた。治療してくれた人は私の肩、背中そして首が信じられないくらい硬くなっているのに驚いていた。もっと気をつけて治療しないとだめだってお説教までしてくれた。今までにもマッサージに行ったりしていろいろ気をつけていたのだが… とにかうもっともっと自分の体をいたわってあげようとおもった。カイロプラクティックの後で肩はだいぶ軽くなっていた。効果あり。翌日も来るように言われたのでもちろん行った。2回目の治療でさらに肩は軽くなった。しばらく続けてみようと思う。


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