Mindful of My Neck

Dec. 12, 2005

Img_3643 My head was aching during the weekend. Not very bad today but the slight headache was still annoying me. I went to chiropractic again as I was told so and couldn’t spend any more day with the aching head. The practitioner said my neck and shoulder were unbelievably stiff. (I knew it!) They took care of them well and I felt relieved after that.

In the evening, I went to yoga. Though in yoga practice we’re supposed to be mindful of ourselves, it’s not easy for me not to force myself to do more than comfortable. I always wanted to stretch part of the body a little bit more and feel I’m doing well. Still I didn’t think I was doing more than "mindful". But today I realized that I had been doing too much and decided to try to be really really mindful of my body, especially the neck. I didn’t gaze up when I felt even a little stress in the neck. This was just beginning of my REALLY mindful yoga practice and I hope it’ll help my neck and shoulder get soft and save me from headache.

The photo is today’s sunset I took through the office window.

週末また頭痛に悩まされた。今朝もあまりよくなったとはいえない状態だった。月曜に来るようにも言われてたし、 どんな少しの痛みももう感じたくないと思ったのでカイロプラクティックに行った。治療してくれた人はまたもや私の首と肩の硬さに驚いていたけど いつも通りの上手な治療で頭痛はすっかり治ってしまった。

夕方にはヨガスタジオに。ヨガではいつも自分に気を配ることが大切なのだけれど ついついいつも少しムリしてちょっと体が痛いって感じるくらい体を伸ばしたりしてしまう。その上自分ではほんのちょっとがんばってるだけで そんなにムリしてるとは思ってなかった。でも今日 スタジオに向かう途中やっぱり自分の体に気を配ってないかもって思った。首が硬くなっていて頭痛になりやすくなってることもあるし 今日は絶対にムリをしないで とくに首にはどんなに小さいと思われる負担をもかけるのはやめてみようと思った。ちょっとでも首にストレスがかかってると思ったらそれはやらないことって心に決めてヨガのポーズをとった。これが私のほんとの意味での mindful (気を配る、注意深くする、心に留める)なヨガの始まり。頭痛解消にも役立つといいな、と思ってる。



Dec. 10, 2005

Img_3624Sunny Saturday. Sun light was strong when I was sweeping up fallen leaves in the balcony.

I went some shops in Sakurachimmachi. When I walked by my favorite fruits and visitable shop, I saw lovely strawberries on the shelf. Of course, I bought it! It tastes lovely : ) Strawberries are my most favorite fruit.


桜新町で買い物をしているときにお気に入りの野菜とフルーツの店を通りかかると すごくおいしそうなイチゴが並んでいた。もちろん購入。とってもおいしい。イチゴは私の一番好きなフルーツなのだ。

Mindful of The Health

Dec. 8, 2005

Img_18891I had a very painful headache on Monday. I already felt I’d have a headache on Sunday night and took medicine before going to bed. But it didn’t work. Having another pain killer, I went to work on Monday. But the pain didn’t go away all day long.

I went home earlier without going to yoga class to have a rest, which I thought the best way to ease the pain. I tried to sleep as soon as I got home. But it was too pailful to sleep. I couldn’t sleep almost at all at night. But just before the alarm rang, suddenly the headache has gone! I don’t know why. It was Tuesday morning.

I desperately wanted to have massage. I knew stiff shoulders and neck caused the headache. I ended up with chiropractic in Meguro. The chiropractic practitioner was surprised to touch my neck, shoulder and back. He almost couldn’t believe how stiff they were. The treatment was good! I felt my shoulders light.  The practitioner told me that I should be more mindful of the health. Though I didn’t think I was not mindful of it, I decided to take some more time to take care of my stiff neck and shoulders. I was told to come the next day again and did it. After the second treatment, I felt my body much lighter. I’ll take the chiropractic treatment for a while so that I can get rid of headcases!      

The picture is today’s sunset.




マッサージに行かなくては!と思った。頭痛はまちがいなくカチカチになった首と肩のせいだと思ったし。目黒のカイロプラクティックに行ってみた。治療してくれた人は私の肩、背中そして首が信じられないくらい硬くなっているのに驚いていた。もっと気をつけて治療しないとだめだってお説教までしてくれた。今までにもマッサージに行ったりしていろいろ気をつけていたのだが… とにかうもっともっと自分の体をいたわってあげようとおもった。カイロプラクティックの後で肩はだいぶ軽くなっていた。効果あり。翌日も来るように言われたのでもちろん行った。2回目の治療でさらに肩は軽くなった。しばらく続けてみようと思う。


Winter Morning

Dec. 7, 2005

Img_3615 It’s getting colder. When it becomes more difficult to get up in the morning, I really feel winter has come. This morning was the typical one. I managed to get up (of course!) and went to work. As soon as I arrived at the office, I found something special through the window. I saw beautiful mountains. The edge line was clear. Took a picture but IXY 200 was not enough to catch it! Shame I didn’t have PowerShot today. I, however, think IXY 200 is the best ever camera in digital camera history : )



Smiley Yoga Practice

Dec. 3, 2005

Img_3601 I hadn’t been in yoga mood for a while. I hadn’t practice it since Monday. I don’t know why…

But today, I had a wonderful practice. I don’t know why (again). I liked all the poses we practiced. Whatever pause I did, I felt pleas and smiled. In yoga practice, teachers always encourage us to relax and smile : ) I felt my body light and could try any poses. My body felt so happy practicing yoga. One of the best practice, it was! I’m glad yoga is there.

After yoga practice, I went to Spanish restaurant in Ginza with a friend. "El Chateo" was busy and the food was good. I liked Paella Mariscos. Good food after good yoga practice, fun chat with a fun friend, and Liverpool is winning, I smile again : )

I took the photo in Ginza, in front of Sony bldg., and paella after Japanese text.



でも今日のヨガは最高だった。練習したすべてのポーズを心から楽しんでる自分に気づいた。楽しくて思わず自然に顔がほころんでいた。ヨガの先生達はいつもリラックスして微笑みながらヨガの練習をするように言っている。今日は体がすごく軽く感じたし どんなポーズでもできるような気がした。(気がしただけだけど) ヨガをしながら自分の体が喜んでるのを感じた。ほんと最高な気分だった。ヨガがあることに感謝。Img_3614

ヨガの後で友達と銀座で待ち合わせてスペイン料理を食べに行った。お店の名前は“エル・チャテオ”。すごく 混んでいた。もちろん料理はおいしくて とくにパエリアが気に入った。ヨガの後のおいしい食事、友達とのおしゃべりも楽しかったし、リバプールは今日も勝ちそうだ・・・Smile : ) 

写真は銀座 ソニービルの前のクリスマスツリー。それにパエリア。