In Tokyo…

Jan.31, 2006

Now in Tokyo. Yesterday, I took bus to the work as I usually do. I went for lunch to Sushi bar with some friends from work. It was tasty and so cheap. I remembered how lucky we are in Japan when it comes to food. In other countries, sushi is much more expensive but less tasty. The more I travel, the more I appreciate it.

(still about yesterday) In the evening, I went to yoga class as I always do on Monday evening. I had a blocked nose and wondered whether I could do yoga breathing. But it was amazing how it worked when I was concentrating in the practice. I totally forgot the blocked nose and was breathing from the nose without any problem. I felt so good coming back to yoga class after a week of traveling.

This morning, I couldn’t get up at all. I had a headache and stomach sickness. I also had a fever. I must have been tired. I decided to take a sick leave and slept until 4:00PM when I finally ate something. Now I’m OK and think today was the day I really needed to have a rest and my body told it to me.


そして東京・・・。昨日は いつものようにバスに乗って仕事にでかけた。昼ご飯は回転寿司。おいしくて安いお寿司を食べながら 私ってなんてラッキーって思わずにいられなかった。食に関しては日本はほんとうに恵まれている。何を食べてもおいしいし そのうえ値段もお手ごろ。他の国でお寿司を食べようとするとすごく高いうえにそんなにおいしくない。海外に行く機会が増えるにつけ 日本の安くておいしい食文化に感謝せずにはいられない。

昨日の夕方はヨガのクラスに復活。鼻が詰まっていたのでヨガ呼吸ができるのかなーと思ってたけど不思議。クラスが始まってヨガに集中すると何の問題もなく鼻から呼吸してた。旅行も楽しいけれど こうしてヨガのクラスに参加できることも本当にうれしかった。


Japan is Beautiful

Jan.29, 2006

It’s fascinating to see other countries. My country, however, is also beautiful! The view from the airplane this morning. I think this is around Niigata. I saw Mt. Fuji as well.

異国にはいつも魅力を感じるけれど日本もかなり魅力的。今朝飛行機の中から見た景色。すごくきれい!新潟の上空だと思う。富士山も見えた。心の中で やっぱり 富士は日本一の山~なんて思った。

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Jan. 29, 2006

Img_2595While I was in Helsinki, it didn’t snow almost at all. The last day, the sky was lovely. I didn’t expect this much sun shine in winter in Helsinki!

The five days went by so quickly. Meetings went well at work. It was fun to catch up with friends after work. Smile 🙂Img_2608_2

ヘルシンキにいる間 ほとんど雪は降らなかった。最後の日、空の美しさに心を惹かれた。こんなに晴れたヘルシンキの冬の空、まったく期待 してなかったのに。

5日間があっという間に過ぎた。仕事ではミーティングがうまく行ったし 仕事の後は懐かしい友達と楽しい時間を過ごせた。Smile : )

Not Very Cold

Jan. 27, 2006

I’m now in Helsinki for work. Though I was worried that it would be very cold, it’s not that cold here. It’s warmer than Vienna or other central Europe.

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Yesterday, we went to country side (it’s still thirty-minute drive from the center of Helsinki) for the workshop. It beautiful! A lot of snow and some sunshine : )

I took pictures from the bus as the sky was beautiful in the morning.




Lost Luggage

Jan. 23, 2006


Blogimg_2250 When I finally arrived at Vienna airport, I couldn’t find my suitcase on the turn table. I went to the lost luggage office but Austrian airline had no information! It took some time for them to make a document for me. It was my second experience of lost luggage.

I, anyway, went to the hotel by taxi though the taxi driver didn’t know where the hotel was. He asked other taxi drivers, made some phone calls and managed to find the way to the hotel.

This morning, I called Austrian airline and they told me my suitcase was still in Stockholm. I told them I need it as soon as possible and they arranged to put it on the morning flight from Stockholm.

After walking around the town seeing churches, museum, architecture, I came back to the hotel. But the suitcase wasn’t there yet. The hotel reception kindly called the airline and finally, I got my suitcase at 17:00!!!

Despite of the troubles, delay of flight, missing connecting flight and rerouted, lost luggage, Vienna is fascinating. 


昨日は空港のラウンジのPCを使っていたので日本語で書けなかった。ので 昨日の分もまとめて書きます。



ヘルシンキに到着したときには私が乗り継ぐはずだったウィーン行きの飛行機はもう出発していた。フィンエアのヘルシンキからウィーンに行く便は1日1便しかないことも知ってたしほぼ1日しか滞在する予定のない私は、もう仕方ないからこのままヘルシンキにいるか~ みたいな気分だった。でも到着して地上係員に聞いてみるとなんとストックホルム経由の便を手配したとのこと。ヘルシンキからウィーンに行くのにストックホルムに行くのはかなりの遠回り・・・でももう手配されていたのでそのまま乗り継ぐことに。フィンエアからは6ユーロのカフェのクーポン券がお詫びということで手渡された。6ユーロって??って感じだが・・・

最初の計画では午後6時半にウィーンに着く予定がそんなこんなで10時半になってしまった。けど さらにトラブルが・・・なんと私のスーツケースが見つからなかった。オーストリア航空のオフィスに行って調べてもらったがなんの情報もなし。書類を作ってもらって仕方なく連絡を待つことに。荷物がなくなったのはこれで2回目だけどなんの情報もないのはちょっとびびった。




こんな感じでトラブル続きではあったけれど ウィーンは素敵だ。


Jan.22, 2006

Now at Stockholm airport waiting for flight to Vienna. I was suppsed to be in Vienna already at this time but … The flight from Narita to Helsinki was delayed for three hours. Because of heavy snow in Tokyo area, many flights were cancelled yesterday and there were unbelievably a lot of people waiting at the airport. It was like a refugee camp. People were sitting on the floor. I, luckily, could go to the airline lounge and have a seat and free drink. But it was also very very busy there.

The flight from Tokyo arrived at Helsinki on the time the flight to Vienna left. I wondered whether I would stay in Helsinki without flying to Vienna at all. But Finnair arranged alternative flight to Vienna via Stockholm. They also gave me 6 EUR cafe coupon 😉 The flight from Helsinki to Stockholm was very short, only 40 minutes and I´m now in the lounge in Stockholm airport.

The Weather Forecast Says

Jan. 20, 2006

It’s going to snow in Tokyo tomorrow, the weather forecast says. On Sunday when I’m flying to Vienna, it’s going to be -16C degrees in Vienna though tomorrow would be only -1C degrees there. (and it has been around -1C till now…) Next week, the lowest temperature will be -26C degrees in Helsinki and I’ll be there for work! I bought a new down jacket today. I’m ready!

天気予報では明日の東京は雪。ウィーンに飛んでいく日曜日、ウィーンの気温は-16℃。明日は-1℃だし 今までもその前後だったのに。私が行く日にぐんと寒くなる。来週のヘルシンキの最低気温は-26℃。ウィーンで2泊した後 ヘルシンキに出張に行くのは私です。今日はダウンジャケットを購入。だって寒すぎるでしょ、-26℃って。しかもスキーじゃないのに。

Looks More Professional?

Jan. 19, 2006

Img_2226Having professional cameraman’s advice, I ran to Bic Camera in Shibuya in the evening. I wanted to buy a filter to protect the camera lens of my Powershot. The shop clerk wasn’t sure whether my camera could have a fliter attached when I asked him. But his supervisor was more knowledgeable and super kind. My camera needed to have a lens adapter, which was more expensive than the filter, to have the filter. Because of the adapter, my camera looks a bit different from before. It looks a little more professional, JUST A LITTLE though 😉 And the lens Img_2229is protected!

Pictures: Views from the office window today.


プロカメラマンからのアドバイスを聞いて、仕事の後渋谷のビックカメラへ駆け込んだ。カメラのレンズをカバーするためのフィルターを買いたかった。私の持ってるPowershot がフィルターを取り付けられるものかどうか分からなかったので店員に尋ねると  彼にも分からなかったようで 先輩社員に聞きにいってくれた。先輩社員はいろんなことを良く知ってる人でしかもすごく親切だった。フィルターImg_3682をつけるには先にレンズアダプターをつけなければならないことが判明。実はアダプターはフィルターよりだいぶ高かった。でもアダプターをつけたカメラはちょっとプロっぽく見えたりして。ほんとにちょっとだけだけど。もちろんレンズの保護もきちんとできてます。
