Muffin Last Sunday

Jan. 16, 2006

Img_3676 The next day of heavy rain was very sunny. (This is about last Sunday.) The clouds were making interesting pattern in the sky. I looked at the sky many time while I was walking.

I’d heard about ARI, the famous muffin cafe in Omotesando many times. I’d tried to go there twice before but it was shut then. Last Sunday, I finally had a chance to eat the famous tasty muffin. It was hard to choose only two muffins when all the muffins looked so yummy. I chose salmon and cream cheese muffin and lemon sugar muffin. Wow! Both were so tasty. I wanted to eat more but I was on a diet as usual 😉 (Most girls are always on a diet!)


To share the pleasure of having the tasty muffins with you, I took a picture. But it was out of focus. Never try to enlarge it! You anyway can’t eat the photo!



表参道の有名なマフィン屋のことは何度も噂に聞いていて それまでに2回行ってみたのだけれど2回ともお店は休みだった。でも先週の日曜日、ついにおいしいマフィンを食べるチャンスが!どれもこれもおいしそうに見えてその中から2つ選ぶのはかなり時間がかかったけれど サーモンとクリームのマフィンとレモンシュガーマフィンを食べることにした。おいし~!感動するほどおいしかった。もっと食べたかったけれど 私はダイエット中。(ダイエット中じゃない女子は珍しい)あきらめることに…


One thought on “Muffin Last Sunday

  1. がーこ says:

    Hi Yumi-san
    ARIのマフィン、美味しいよね~。Yam yam….

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