In Tokyo…

Jan.31, 2006

Now in Tokyo. Yesterday, I took bus to the work as I usually do. I went for lunch to Sushi bar with some friends from work. It was tasty and so cheap. I remembered how lucky we are in Japan when it comes to food. In other countries, sushi is much more expensive but less tasty. The more I travel, the more I appreciate it.

(still about yesterday) In the evening, I went to yoga class as I always do on Monday evening. I had a blocked nose and wondered whether I could do yoga breathing. But it was amazing how it worked when I was concentrating in the practice. I totally forgot the blocked nose and was breathing from the nose without any problem. I felt so good coming back to yoga class after a week of traveling.

This morning, I couldn’t get up at all. I had a headache and stomach sickness. I also had a fever. I must have been tired. I decided to take a sick leave and slept until 4:00PM when I finally ate something. Now I’m OK and think today was the day I really needed to have a rest and my body told it to me.


そして東京・・・。昨日は いつものようにバスに乗って仕事にでかけた。昼ご飯は回転寿司。おいしくて安いお寿司を食べながら 私ってなんてラッキーって思わずにいられなかった。食に関しては日本はほんとうに恵まれている。何を食べてもおいしいし そのうえ値段もお手ごろ。他の国でお寿司を食べようとするとすごく高いうえにそんなにおいしくない。海外に行く機会が増えるにつけ 日本の安くておいしい食文化に感謝せずにはいられない。

昨日の夕方はヨガのクラスに復活。鼻が詰まっていたのでヨガ呼吸ができるのかなーと思ってたけど不思議。クラスが始まってヨガに集中すると何の問題もなく鼻から呼吸してた。旅行も楽しいけれど こうしてヨガのクラスに参加できることも本当にうれしかった。


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