Gourmet Day

Feb. 28, 2006

Img_3751 It happened to be a gourmet day today. At lunch time, a friend who left the company visited us and had lunch together at Arcachon near the office. Arcachon is a French restaurant and has been introduced in the popular gourmet cartoon. It’s a bit more expensive than our usual lunch but good for special occasions like welcome, farewell and Christmas. The roasted duck is my favorite but I chose fish cos I knew I’d eat a lot of meat in the evening. Fish (I don’t know which one?) was also good today. We enjoyed chatting! Lovely to have good food and a lot of laugh : )

In the evening, I went to Korean barbecue with friends. Gyutetsu in Futakotamagawa is my most recommended Korean barbecue restaurant now. Good price, good food, I’m very full now.

Gourmet day! My tummy is a little bit tired. Will have lighter meal tomorrow.

(when I try to take a picture of food, whay is it always out of focus?!!! Anyway it’s the dessert at lunch)





Lovely Morning with Yoga

Feb. 27, 2006

Last night when I went to bed after watching ice hockey final at the Olympics, I wasn’t sure whether I could go to yoga practice this morning. I practiced Ashtanga yoga yesterday and I thought I might be pretty tired today. (Ashtanga is still very intense for me.) Though I couldn’t sleep well last night, it wasn’t hard for me to get up at 6:30 AM. I didn’t feel that tired. Then went to Mysore class.

Most poses are quite challenging and often I feel it’s impossible to do it even in the future. But in the practice, I felt my body was much stronger than before though it was very still stiff.

Comfortably sweat, I felt great and energetic after the practice. Lovely morning, I thought on the way to work from yoga studio.


昨日寝る前に今朝のヨガのクラスのことを考えた。昨日もアシュタンガヨガのクラスに行ったので今日もヨガをやる元気があるかどうか予想がつかなかった。(アシュタンガヨガは私にとって まだかなりハードなヨガなので。)夜はよく眠れなかったけれど朝6時半に起きるのはそんなに大変じゃなかった。疲れた感じもしなかったのでマイソールのクラスへ。


気持ちいい汗をかいて、気分はすっきり、元気も出た感じがした。ヨガの教室から会社に向かう道で思った、lovely morning : )

In Nature

Feb. 20, 2006

Img_3722Yesterday, I went skiing to Koumi in Nagano. The snow on the slopes was artificial . Still, I felt very relaxed and happy in the snow. The mountains I saw on the way to the ski resort and from the slopes were beautiful, indeed. (and they were blanketed with real snow!)  Nature nurses our souls.


A Little Bit About Vienna (2)

Feb. 18, 2006

Sacher Some more places I visited in Vienna.. Sacher torte was something I had to eat there. More than ten years ago, one morning in winter, a friend who stayed over night at my place and I saw Sacher torte in the magazine. It looked so nice and we couldn’t help thinking we have to go to eat it! We went to a cafe in Shinjuku and ate something similar. Maybe it was just a chocolate cake. Anyway, at that time I thought Sacher torte is just a name of a kind of chocolate cake. But it’s not! It’s the chocolate torte you can eat only at Hotel Sacher in Vienna. According to the hotel web page, it has been the world most famous cake since 1832.

The torte was served with a lot of cream. The cream wasn’t much sweet. To be honest, the taste of the torte was good but I didn’t think it was that special. I brought the one to a friend in Tokyo. She told me she didn’t think it was that special either. But she said it must have been very very special when it was first baked. I agreed with her. And I’m glad that I had a chance to taste the torte with the long history. I took a picture of the torte by my mobile. Though I had PowerShot with me, I didn’t dare to do it 😉

Img_2362 Apart from the two main things I wanted to do, The Butterfly House and The Imperial House were very interesting. The Butterfly House was a green house and looked so attractive when it was so cold outside. Once I got inside, I saw more than I expected. Some beautiful butterflies were there. I followed them by camera but they were so quick and it was very difficult to take their pictures!

There were three different museum sections, Collection of Ancient Musical Instrument, Collection of Arms and Armours, Ephesos-Museum in the Imperial House. All the collections were fascinating. I could play the cembalo and loved the sound! about armours, it was interesting to know what kind of amours were fashionable at which time… And I got more interested in Roman and Greek history after I looked at the excellent architecture.

Everywhere in the town, I saw fascinating architecture and didn’t have enough time to take as many pictures as I wanted. I’d love to visit Vienna again : )




さてさてどうしても行きたかった2つの場所以外では Butterfly House と Imperial House が思い出に残っている。 Butterfly House は温室で蝶々が見られる。外が寒かったので温室は魅力的、っていうだけの理由で入ってみたもののきれいな蝶々に惹かれて写真撮影に夢中になる。でも蝶々の動きは思いのほか速くてあまりいい写真は撮れなかった。Imperial House には昔の楽器の展示、鎧や武器展示、それからローマやギリシャの建築や彫刻の展示があってそれぞれほんとにおもしろかった。楽器のところでは実際にチェンバロを弾くことができてその音に魅了された。鎧には実はいろんな流行があったということを読んでへぇーっと思ったり、ローマやギリシャの建築・彫刻を見てそのすごさにびっくり、ちょっと歴史を学んでみたくなった。


A Little Bit About Vienna (1)

Feb. 15, 2005


Img_2315 It has been about three weeks since I visited cold Vienna. Now I remember where I visited…I had two things to I really wanted to do in Vienna. One was to eat the famous Sacher torte at Hotel Sacher, the other was to see St.Stephen’s Cathedral. The first place I went to was St. Stephen’s Cathedral. It was supposed to be only three minutes away on foot from the hotel , Pension Lumes & Co., where I was staying. But I started walking to the opposite direction from the hotel and it took quite some time to find it 😉 One of the most famous sightseeing spots in Vienna was very crowded. A lot of people were taking photos inside. I spent a lot of time to take pictures but it was difficult without tripod which was in my lost suitcase when it was a kind of dark inside of the cathedral.

The north tower had an elevator to the top of the cathedral. Though I knew it would be pretty cold at the observation platform, I went there. The view was great and I was excited taking pictures. But I couldn’t stay there longer than 5 minutes. It was COLD!!!  (cont…)


ウィーンに行ってから もう3週間以上たった。ウィーンについてはあまりブログに書いていなかったので ここで改めて思い出してみる。行く前に絶対やりたいことが2つあった。一つはステファン聖堂を見に行くこと、もう一つはザッハーホテルで本物のザッハートルテを食べること。一番最初に足を運んだのはステファン聖堂。私の泊まっていたホテルPension Lumes & Co.からは歩いて3分、とても近いはずだった。でもホテルからまったく逆方向に向かってしまったのでたどり着くまでにしばしかかった。ステファン聖堂はウィーンでもっとも有名な観光スポットの一つ。ということで聖堂の中ではたくさんの観光客が写真撮影。私ももちろん写真をとるのに夢中になったのだけれどどちらかというと暗い聖堂の中で三脚なしの撮影はかなりむずかしかった。(三脚は航空会社のミスで届いていなかったスーツケースの中。)

北側の塔にはエレベーターがあって屋上の展望台に行くことが出来た。その日はー20度でかなり寒く 屋上に出たらもっと寒いことは知っていたけれど 好奇心はそれ以上。そして景色はとても素晴らしかった。当然写真撮影にも熱がこもる・・・が5分以上はムリ。寒すぎた!(続く…


Jan. 12, 2006

Both yesterday and today, I ate out with friends in the evening. Yesterday, we went to Cafe Nido in Omotesando. It’s a sort of cafe and serves good French food and wine. (I don’t know how good the wine is cause I don’t drink alchohol.) We had avocado and shrimp salad, pasta with crab and tomato cream sauce, chestnuts and pork with balsamic vinegar sauce. All of them were excellent. I liked the quite casual atmosphere in the cafe. But it was a shame there’s no non-smoking area and quite a few people were smoke.      

This evening, we went to Nha Viet Nam (Vietnamese restaurant) in Ebisu as we went to Daikanyama to listen to a lecture about homeopathy (one of alternative health-care). Nems, fried nems, seafood hoa, fried rice, all were great! I loved the hoa with really tasty seafood soup. The fried nems were very crispy and lovely. Dessert… it was beans and maybe coconuts milk… made me smile : )

…I got a coupon in my mobile phone and had 20% off from the total price at Nha Viet Nam. Excellent!


この週末は昨日も今日も友達と夕飯を食べに出かけた。昨日は表参道の Cafe Nido へ。ここはいわゆるカフェ、でもおいしいフランス料理が食べられる。もちろんフランスのワインもいろいろあったりする。(ワインについてはどれくらいおいしいか不明。私がアルコールをまったく受け付けないので試せない。)アボカドと海老のサラダ、カニのトマトクリームパスタ、栗と豚肉のソテー(バルサミコソース)。全部おいしかった。店の雰囲気がカジュアルなのもすごくよかった。でも残念ながら禁煙席はなくて 結構たくさんの人がタバコを吸っていた。

今日は恵比寿のベトナム料理 Nha Viet Nam へ。 昼間、代替医療の1つであるホメオパシーの講演を恵比寿(代官山のほうが近い)に聴きに行ったのでその帰りに寄った。生春巻き、揚げ春巻き、海鮮のフォー、チャーハン・・・ ほんと満足!海鮮のフォーのスープはシーフードのだしがよく出ていたし、揚げ春巻きはパリッとしてておいしかった。デザートには あずきとココナッツミルク(だったと思う)のパフェみたいなものを・・・これもまた思わず笑顔が出る感じだった。

しかも…Nha Viet Nam では 携帯で見つけた ぐるなびクーポンの20%オフが使えた。こんなにおいしいのにこんな割引!素敵!

さらに余談… .

表参道に行ったとき ヒルズの前は大混雑。ちょうどオープンの日。駅もめちゃ混みだったし しばらく週末に表参道に行くのはやめよーかなと思った。

Changing Omotesando

Feb. 9, 2006


Img_3699I went to see another change in Omotesando.(see Dec. 17th post for the first big change) Dojunkai apartment which had been in Omotesando for 80 years was demolished and Omotesando Hills (complex of shops, restaurants and apartment)was built. It’s designed by Japan’s most famous architecture, Tadao Ando, and shops will be open this Saturday. Prior to the grand open, lucky me got a ticket for the preview day. It was today. When I got there there were already a lot of people were queuing. A friend and I were not sure whether it made sense to queue up but decided to do it. Actually, it didn’t take much time to get in.Img_3703_1  It was much quicker than Disneyland queue 😉

At the reception, we got souvenir (Omotesando Hills candies and post cards!). The cafe with lots of good-looking pastry and the extremely good-looking cheese cake just at the entrance attracted us. But we went up to the third floor, the restaurant floor to get lunch. It wasn’t easy to make our mind but we chose the famous chef’s Italian restaurant, Trattoria & Pizzeria ZAZZA. Only one buffet menu for lunch between 11:00 and Img_370415:00. Appetizer was buffet style and we had to choose main from the menu. Dessert and coffee (not buffet unfortunately) were also included. All the foods were very good, but the fungi pizza was absolutely excellent. I could say it was one of the best pizza I’ve ever eaten.

The architecture was good and we thought it was Scandinavian style. I liked it but I think the building will have a problem in having mass customers at the same time. (You’ll see it when you go there!) By the way, I just found out that Tadao Ando used to be a professional boxer!!!

I don’t think I’m going there soon again. I’m so sure (everyone is so sure) it will be extremely busy in the beginning. I’m glad I got the ticket for today though it was already busy. The shops and restaurants are nice but at the same time it’s a shame that my favorite Omotesando has changed so much and now it’s more and more crowded…


またまた表参道に大きな変化が・・・80年間も表参道のシンボル的にそこに存在し続けた 同潤会アパートがなくなって表参道ヒルズが誕生。日本を代表する建築家 安藤忠雄の設計で 今週土曜日にグランドオープンが予定されている。それに先立って行われた内覧会のチケットをラッキーにもゲット。友達と出かけたけれど着いたときにはすでに長蛇の列が。並ぶかどうか迷うくらいだったけれど一応並んでみると 意外にも列の進みは早かった。ディズニーランドなんかよりもずっと。

受付ではお土産(ヒルズ飴にヒルズ絵葉書)ももらえたりした。まず目を引いたのが入ってすぐのいかにもおいしそうなペストリーとさらに超おいしそうなチーズケーキを置いているカフェだった。ちょっと後ろ髪を引かれる思いで3階のレストランフロアに上がっていった。どこでランチを食べるかちょっと迷った末(どこもおいしそうだった!)有名シェフのイタリアンTrattoria & Pizzeria ZAZZAへ。ランチはビュッフェのみ。前菜はビュッフェ形式でメインはメニューの中から選ぶ形。それにデザートとコーヒーがつく。どの料理もおいしかったけれど一番はフンギのピザ。今まで食べたピザの中でも1, 2を争う。ほんとおいしかった。

ビルの建築はかなり好きな感じだった。北欧通の私と友達は かなり北欧風の建物だという感想で一致。ただ行ってみれば分かると思うのだけれどあの建物に観光も兼ねた大量のお客が入ってくるとかなり無理があるような気がする。


Bio Cafe

Feb. 8, 2006

Img_3691I met a friend to chat in the evening. We went to Bio Cafe in Shibuya. It’s located at Spain-zaka and offers good organic food. Some of them were "detox" food according to the menu. It was a shame we went there after supper just for tea and we couldn’t try food. I drank nice low-fat royal milk tea. I’d like to go there for supper next time and try detox course.

The photo is today’s sunset taken by IXY200.

友達と一緒に渋谷のBio Cafeに行ってみた。スペイン坂にあるこの店はオーガニックフードのレストラン/カフェ。今流行りのデトックスなメニューもあったりする。ご飯を食べてから行ったので今日はお茶だけ。私はローファットのロイヤルミルクティーを飲んでみた。次回、ぜひデトックスディナーコースにトライしてみたい!
