Changing Omotesando

Feb. 9, 2006


Img_3699I went to see another change in Omotesando.(see Dec. 17th post for the first big change) Dojunkai apartment which had been in Omotesando for 80 years was demolished and Omotesando Hills (complex of shops, restaurants and apartment)was built. It’s designed by Japan’s most famous architecture, Tadao Ando, and shops will be open this Saturday. Prior to the grand open, lucky me got a ticket for the preview day. It was today. When I got there there were already a lot of people were queuing. A friend and I were not sure whether it made sense to queue up but decided to do it. Actually, it didn’t take much time to get in.Img_3703_1  It was much quicker than Disneyland queue 😉

At the reception, we got souvenir (Omotesando Hills candies and post cards!). The cafe with lots of good-looking pastry and the extremely good-looking cheese cake just at the entrance attracted us. But we went up to the third floor, the restaurant floor to get lunch. It wasn’t easy to make our mind but we chose the famous chef’s Italian restaurant, Trattoria & Pizzeria ZAZZA. Only one buffet menu for lunch between 11:00 and Img_370415:00. Appetizer was buffet style and we had to choose main from the menu. Dessert and coffee (not buffet unfortunately) were also included. All the foods were very good, but the fungi pizza was absolutely excellent. I could say it was one of the best pizza I’ve ever eaten.

The architecture was good and we thought it was Scandinavian style. I liked it but I think the building will have a problem in having mass customers at the same time. (You’ll see it when you go there!) By the way, I just found out that Tadao Ando used to be a professional boxer!!!

I don’t think I’m going there soon again. I’m so sure (everyone is so sure) it will be extremely busy in the beginning. I’m glad I got the ticket for today though it was already busy. The shops and restaurants are nice but at the same time it’s a shame that my favorite Omotesando has changed so much and now it’s more and more crowded…


またまた表参道に大きな変化が・・・80年間も表参道のシンボル的にそこに存在し続けた 同潤会アパートがなくなって表参道ヒルズが誕生。日本を代表する建築家 安藤忠雄の設計で 今週土曜日にグランドオープンが予定されている。それに先立って行われた内覧会のチケットをラッキーにもゲット。友達と出かけたけれど着いたときにはすでに長蛇の列が。並ぶかどうか迷うくらいだったけれど一応並んでみると 意外にも列の進みは早かった。ディズニーランドなんかよりもずっと。

受付ではお土産(ヒルズ飴にヒルズ絵葉書)ももらえたりした。まず目を引いたのが入ってすぐのいかにもおいしそうなペストリーとさらに超おいしそうなチーズケーキを置いているカフェだった。ちょっと後ろ髪を引かれる思いで3階のレストランフロアに上がっていった。どこでランチを食べるかちょっと迷った末(どこもおいしそうだった!)有名シェフのイタリアンTrattoria & Pizzeria ZAZZAへ。ランチはビュッフェのみ。前菜はビュッフェ形式でメインはメニューの中から選ぶ形。それにデザートとコーヒーがつく。どの料理もおいしかったけれど一番はフンギのピザ。今まで食べたピザの中でも1, 2を争う。ほんとおいしかった。

ビルの建築はかなり好きな感じだった。北欧通の私と友達は かなり北欧風の建物だという感想で一致。ただ行ってみれば分かると思うのだけれどあの建物に観光も兼ねた大量のお客が入ってくるとかなり無理があるような気がする。


2 thoughts on “Changing Omotesando

  1. リポさんきゅ!

  2. うん、あのピザは本物だ!

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