Sakura/March 27

March 27, 2006

Img_2964At Meguro river…

More and more sakura (cherry blossoms) came into bloom. I love the sweet color. And photo shooting is fun : )



Fun Time in Beijing

March 25, 2006

Img_2951I had great fun in Beijing. Friends took me out every evening! Foot massage was very professional, Chinese food was tasty, shopping was exciting! They took me even to Sushi restaurant. Sushi is quite popular in Beijing.

I had only one hour for shopping but it was amazingly exciting. A friend helped me and I bought a jewelry at unbelievable bargain price! I wish I had more time for shopping and would love to go back there : )

毎日仕事の後で友達がいろんなところに連れて行ってくれたお陰で北京出張はかなり楽しかった。フットマッサージはプロな感じだったし、中華料理はおいしかった。それに買い物が超盛り上がった。なんと すし屋にまで連れてってもらったりした。すしは 北京でも超人気だった。

5日間の滞在だったけど 買い物ができたのはたった1時間くらい。それでもほんと盛り上がった。現地の友達が値切り交渉をしてくれて驚くほど安くネックレスを購入。もっと時間があれば もっと買えたのに・・・心残りなのでぜひまた行きたい!



While I was Away

March 24, 2006

Img_2954 While I was away from Tokyo, cherry blossoms started blooming. It was cloudy when I came home and the sky was not great for photo-shooting. And it’s colder than Beijing. Yet the sign of spring made me smiley.


In Beijing

March, 22, 2006


On Tuesday evening, I went to Ritan park with a friend to go to yoga class (my first yoga experience in Beijing!). The picture is climbing wall in the park.


Good Morning from Beijing

March 21, 2006

Img_29161_1 Now in Beijing. Arrived here last night. Breakfast buffet was quite busy this morning. The busy atmosphere of the restaurant made me feel I was in China even though majority of the people there were non-Chinese (half were Western people) and it was Western restaurant in the Western hotel. (Photo : view from the hotel room)


Flying to Beijing

March 20, 2006

I’m flying to Beijing for work this evening. It’s a shame that I have to leave Tokyo even for four days when it’s so warm and beautiful here. I saw some pink cherry buds this morning.


A Lovely Day : )

March 18, 2006

Img_29101A lovely warm day. The sunny morning made me feel so good. I took a picture of welling cherry buds. Soon they’ll bloom. I’m looking forward to it… It rained in the afternoon but after the rain it was again quite comfortable.
