Sign of Spring

  March 11, 2006



A warm Saturday. I took a walk from Aoyama 1-chome to Shibuya. Even though I thought walking outside might make pollen allergy symptom worse, weather was too lovely not to walk. Spring was around the corner.

Flowers in the park were pretty. The sunset was beautiful. It was different from what I see from the 17th floor on weekdays. And it was much later than it was during winter. Stopped in Dean & Deluka at Gaienmae to buy a muffin, ate it walking, and thought muffins are better at Starbucks 😉 After that I bought yogurt at Natural House.

Went to Aoyama book center (ABC)to check travel books. I’m still wondering where to go during the GW holiday. Mt. Shasta was quite inspiring but I still don’t know…

Img_3768_1 On the route 246, just after ABC, I saw the familiar vegetable & fruits vendor. He comes there by a small truck, put veges and fruits on the street and sells them. It’s quite cheap and I almost always buy blueberries. I bought blueberries and bananas today though I still have a lot of blueberries frozen in the freezer. Blueberries go well with yogurt 🙂

After stopped in two more favorite shops, I got to Shibuya station to get on the train to home. (Photos : A flower I saw today and route 246 near Gaienmae)



ちょっとお腹が空いていたので外苑前のDean & Delukaでマフィンを買って歩きながら食べた。(これまた春の気分。)でも スタバのマフィンのほうがおいしい気がした。その後 ナチュラルハウスで最近気に入っているヨーグルトを購入。

それから青山ブックセンター(ABC)で旅行の本を立ち読み。ゴールデンウィークにどこに行くか考え中で どこかピンと来るところを探すのに写真を見たかった。カリフォルニアのシャスタ山にかなり惹かれたけど いまだ検討中。ABCを出たところの246沿いでいつもの行商(っていうんだろうか)の八百屋さん発見。トラックで野菜と果物を運んできて 道端に並べて売っている。すごく安い。私は最近そこでブルーベリーを買うのが習慣になっていて、まだ冷凍庫にストックがあるのは覚えてたけど 今日もブルーベリーを買った。ブルーベリーとヨーグルトの組み合わせは私の好きな朝ごはんメニューのひとつ。それに今日はバナナも買った。。

その後さらにいつも行く店を何件か見て渋谷に到着。電車に乗って家に帰った。(写真:今日見た花 と 外苑前付近の246.)

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