
March 16, 2006


I’ve been trying to reduce caffeine intake recently. I’m bad at sleeping and have tried many things to improve it. But I’ve never been able to stop drinking coffee (tried to do it several times but never managed to do it!). Even though many people said you can’t sleep if you drink much coffee, to be honest, it was not very persuading as I knew many friends who drink coffee a lot but can sleep quite well! Again, last weekend someone told me it must be caffeine which prevent me from sleeping well. Then I thought there might be certain people who are super sensitive to caffeine and I might be one of them.

I started to limit coffee intake to only a cup a day. Morning coffee is something I still need to start a day and I guess it would be too stressful if I decided not to drink coffee at all!

I also read a book about insomnia, which I’d read before. I read a chapter about caffeine and the statement was pretty  interesting. According to the book, a research showed that "…patients with insomnia typically have a 9 percent higher metabolic rate during both day and night than people who do not have insomnia. Even though many insomniac patients feel lethargic and slowed down, their bodies act as if they are "hyper up"… Most patients with insomnia are hyperarosed anyway, and adding coffee make this condition worse ". I might be the one!

Not only coffee but also many other foods and drink include caffeine, even my favorite chocolate! I also have to be careful with medicine. No aspirin anymore! (Luckily I have much less headaches nowadays thanks to yoga and chiropractic.) So far, it’s working and my sleep got much better.


不眠対策として今週の初めからできるだけカフェインを摂らないようにしている。今までにもいろんなことを試してきたけど コーヒーをやめることはできなかった。コーヒー飲むから眠れないんだって言う人はたくさんいたかど コーヒーを昼夜問わずがぶ飲みしても夜はぐっすり眠っている友達も多かったので正直言ってあまり説得力がなかった。でも先週末また 眠れないのはカフェインのせいだという指摘を受けて もう1度考えてみた。もしやカフェインにかなり敏感に反応してしまう人たちがいて私もその一人では・・・?



ところでカフェインについてはコーヒーだけに気をつければいいわけじゃない。大好きなチョコレートにも入ってるし 頭痛薬として飲んでいたアスピリンにも・・・アスピリンはもう絶対飲まないことした。最近ヨガとカイロプラクティックのおかげで頭痛もだいぶなくなってきたし。これまでのところ効果は上々。だいぶ眠れるようになった。

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