Stunning View!

March 17, 2006

Img_2815 The wind was so strong today. It annoyed me a lot when I was on the way to work. When I arrived in the office, however, I appreciated the strong wind which blew clouds in the sky. Mt. Fuji was beautiful through the window! The best Fuji view I’ve ever seen from the office. I don’t know how much I can tell it to you by my pictures, but it was breathe-taking, indeed.

風のとても強い日だった。いい天気ではあったけれど会社に向かうのにあまり快適な天気とは言えなかった。もちろん花粉もたくさん飛んでい た。でもオフィスに着いた瞬間、その強風に感謝。会社の窓からほんとにきれいな富士山。今まで会社から見た中でも一番きれいだった。自分の写真でどれくらいその美しさを伝えらるかは分からないけれど、ほんと息を呑むくらいきれいだった。Img_2821Img_2850

Img_2847 Img_2871 Img_2899 Img_2888 


March 16, 2006


I’ve been trying to reduce caffeine intake recently. I’m bad at sleeping and have tried many things to improve it. But I’ve never been able to stop drinking coffee (tried to do it several times but never managed to do it!). Even though many people said you can’t sleep if you drink much coffee, to be honest, it was not very persuading as I knew many friends who drink coffee a lot but can sleep quite well! Again, last weekend someone told me it must be caffeine which prevent me from sleeping well. Then I thought there might be certain people who are super sensitive to caffeine and I might be one of them.

I started to limit coffee intake to only a cup a day. Morning coffee is something I still need to start a day and I guess it would be too stressful if I decided not to drink coffee at all!

I also read a book about insomnia, which I’d read before. I read a chapter about caffeine and the statement was pretty  interesting. According to the book, a research showed that "…patients with insomnia typically have a 9 percent higher metabolic rate during both day and night than people who do not have insomnia. Even though many insomniac patients feel lethargic and slowed down, their bodies act as if they are "hyper up"… Most patients with insomnia are hyperarosed anyway, and adding coffee make this condition worse ". I might be the one!

Not only coffee but also many other foods and drink include caffeine, even my favorite chocolate! I also have to be careful with medicine. No aspirin anymore! (Luckily I have much less headaches nowadays thanks to yoga and chiropractic.) So far, it’s working and my sleep got much better.


不眠対策として今週の初めからできるだけカフェインを摂らないようにしている。今までにもいろんなことを試してきたけど コーヒーをやめることはできなかった。コーヒー飲むから眠れないんだって言う人はたくさんいたかど コーヒーを昼夜問わずがぶ飲みしても夜はぐっすり眠っている友達も多かったので正直言ってあまり説得力がなかった。でも先週末また 眠れないのはカフェインのせいだという指摘を受けて もう1度考えてみた。もしやカフェインにかなり敏感に反応してしまう人たちがいて私もその一人では・・・?



ところでカフェインについてはコーヒーだけに気をつければいいわけじゃない。大好きなチョコレートにも入ってるし 頭痛薬として飲んでいたアスピリンにも・・・アスピリンはもう絶対飲まないことした。最近ヨガとカイロプラクティックのおかげで頭痛もだいぶなくなってきたし。これまでのところ効果は上々。だいぶ眠れるようになった。

Good Morning : )

March 15, 2006 Full Moon

Img_2788_1  Yesterday morning, after yoga practice, the view from the Moon-shape window made me take a picture. One of the pictures…



Sign of Spring

  March 11, 2006



A warm Saturday. I took a walk from Aoyama 1-chome to Shibuya. Even though I thought walking outside might make pollen allergy symptom worse, weather was too lovely not to walk. Spring was around the corner.

Flowers in the park were pretty. The sunset was beautiful. It was different from what I see from the 17th floor on weekdays. And it was much later than it was during winter. Stopped in Dean & Deluka at Gaienmae to buy a muffin, ate it walking, and thought muffins are better at Starbucks 😉 After that I bought yogurt at Natural House.

Went to Aoyama book center (ABC)to check travel books. I’m still wondering where to go during the GW holiday. Mt. Shasta was quite inspiring but I still don’t know…

Img_3768_1 On the route 246, just after ABC, I saw the familiar vegetable & fruits vendor. He comes there by a small truck, put veges and fruits on the street and sells them. It’s quite cheap and I almost always buy blueberries. I bought blueberries and bananas today though I still have a lot of blueberries frozen in the freezer. Blueberries go well with yogurt 🙂

After stopped in two more favorite shops, I got to Shibuya station to get on the train to home. (Photos : A flower I saw today and route 246 near Gaienmae)



ちょっとお腹が空いていたので外苑前のDean & Delukaでマフィンを買って歩きながら食べた。(これまた春の気分。)でも スタバのマフィンのほうがおいしい気がした。その後 ナチュラルハウスで最近気に入っているヨーグルトを購入。

それから青山ブックセンター(ABC)で旅行の本を立ち読み。ゴールデンウィークにどこに行くか考え中で どこかピンと来るところを探すのに写真を見たかった。カリフォルニアのシャスタ山にかなり惹かれたけど いまだ検討中。ABCを出たところの246沿いでいつもの行商(っていうんだろうか)の八百屋さん発見。トラックで野菜と果物を運んできて 道端に並べて売っている。すごく安い。私は最近そこでブルーベリーを買うのが習慣になっていて、まだ冷凍庫にストックがあるのは覚えてたけど 今日もブルーベリーを買った。ブルーベリーとヨーグルトの組み合わせは私の好きな朝ごはんメニューのひとつ。それに今日はバナナも買った。。

その後さらにいつも行く店を何件か見て渋谷に到着。電車に乗って家に帰った。(写真:今日見た花 と 外苑前付近の246.)

Love Chai Tea

March 8, 2006


Img_27831 My motivation to go to Indian restaurants is not curry but chai tea. Curry and nan bread were quite nice today at lunch time at Rasoi though. Once I asked them whether I can do take-away of chai tea, they said they don’t have a bottle or cup to make it. I thought of bringing my own cup to to do take-away but haven’t done it.

I love chai tea a lot and wanted to drink it everyday. Today I went to ask my Indian colleague an advice about the recipe. It was so easy! And he told me there was an Indian grocery store where I can buy chai spice and Indian tea, in Meguro. I went there in the evening and got tea and the spice. And am happily drinking chai tea now : )

The grocery store (Maya Bazaar) was quite interesting!


私がインド料理屋に行くのはカレーのためというよりは 実はチャイが飲みたいからだったりする。今日はルソイでランチを食べた。カレーとナンもおいしかったけど やっぱりチャイが一番のお目当てだった。以前この店でチャイのテイクアウトができるか聞いたことがあるのだけれどテイクアウト用の容器がないからできないって言われたことがある。自分で入れ物用意して持って行こうかとも思ってたけど・・・


ところでインド食料品店(Maya Bazaar)はかなり本格的でおもしろかった。


March 6, 2006


Img_2766 Last evening, A friend and I tried a new (to me, at least) Italian restaurant, Sciue Sciue  in Futakotamagawa. We ordered two different pizzas, Margherita and my favorite Quattro Formaggio. Both were excellent!!! Gorgonzola cheese on Quattro Formaggio was superb. (I love cheese : )

We ate some other food as well and couldn’t finish the pizzas. Of course, we asked for a doggy bag.

I think I’ve had luck with pizza recently. I can’t say which is better, Zazza at Omotesando Hills (link goes to Feb.9th post) or  Sciue Sciue… Irottah in Meguro is also quite competitive!



ピザ以外のものも食べたのでピザを全部食べきることはできなかったけど 残った分はもちろん持ち帰り。

最近食べるピザはどれもこれもおいしい。表参道ヒルズのZazza (このリンクは2月9日のポストに飛びます)のピザとこの店のピザ、どっちがおいしいかは決めかねるし、目黒のイロッタも負けてない。

Finally Good Weather!

March 4, 2006

Img_3755Weather has been quite unstable. On Thursday, it was cloudy with very thik clouds when I left home for yoga class. When I finished yoga practice, I saw the sunshine. But in the evening, it started raining. Unlike usual February and March, we had a lot of rain. But today, weather was lovely. In the late afternoon, I was in Aoyama and looked at the sky. It was beautiful, indeed!

(The first photo : In Sakurashimmachi, the second one : In Aoyama)

