At Last

May 30, 2006

Img_4288_1 I’ve been waiting for it for a month or so since the leaves became very green and lively. A couple of days ago, I noticed hydrangea started blooming but it was still light green. Today, at last, it turned light blue! Still the color is very light, but I’m glad to see it. This is the one in front of the office building. There are more flowers coming out and I’m looking forward to it.

1ヶ月くらい前、葉の緑が濃くなってイキイキとした感じだった。それからずっと待っていた。会社のビルの前の紫陽花の花。数日前に花が咲いたのに気づいた。でもまだ薄い緑色だった。 そしてついに今日、その花が色づいた。淡いブルー。まだまだかなり淡い色で今のところたったの1輪だけ。でもこれから次々色づくのが楽しみ。

Coming Home…

May 29, 2006

Img_4233I came back from a trip to Hong Kong yesterday. Last day was quite rainy and windy there.

In Hong Kong…

Combination of the beautiful sky and the skyscrapers was fascinating! A view from the peak was breathtakingly beautiful!

Both shopping from street vendors and window shopping at luxurious shops were fun. And food was yummy and cheep!

Pictures I took in energetic and beautiful Hong Kong:







Hong Kong

May 26, 2006

The second morning in Hong Kong. Traffic is busy outside. Even being on the 31st floor, I can hear the traffic. It"s Hong Kong. Yesterday, I had a different impression about Hong Kong from the ones I had at my previous visits. Before I thought H.K. was just busy place and less relaxing. But yesterday, I felt it’s quite relaxing. Train was less crowded than Tokyo and organic cafe a friend took me in the morning was pretty good.

I went to my favorite restaurant, Cafe Dynasty. They opened the restaurant in Tokyo but it’s quite busy and sometimes you have to queue for an hour, crazy isn’t it? It seems more Japanese people are coming to the one in Hong Kong. They added Japanese in their menu.

In the evening, we went to eat Chinese. Beijing dug was excellent and very cheap! Mango pudding was really yummy!

I took some pictures of the sky. It was more blue than I remembered. I’ll upload them here. when I come home.


昨日のランチはお気に入りのレストラン糖朝に行った。この店は東京にも進出してきたのだけれど 東京ではいつも混んでいて1時間並ばないと入れないってこともしばしば。それってちょっとどうなの?って感じだ。ここ香港の本店も心なしか日本人客が多くなっていたような気がした。以前はなかったのだけれどメニューに日本語も追加されていた。


Fyling to…

May 24, 2006

I’m flying to Hong Kong this evening. Glad to have a short holiday after really busy time at work!


Ruokala Lokki (Diner Seagull)

May 23, 2006

Img_3814 A couple of weeks ago, I went to see "Kamome Shokudo"(Diner Seagull). It’s a Japanese film shot in Helsinki. I was very interested in the film ’cause I am Japanese, often visit Helsinki and know a lot about Finland and the culture. It was about three Japanese women who happened to spend time in Helsinki. One of them was living in Helsinki and running a Japanese restaurant. Each woman had each problem and thought in the life. Living in Helsinki richly endowed with nature, they anyhow found something about life. I laughed and smiled a lot while I was watching it. But in the end, I started missing Finland very much. It’s a lovely country, indeed : ) I’m looking forward to visiting there next time in June. Finnish title of the film is Ruokala Lokki. And the restaurant actually exists in Helsinki as Kahvila Suomi (Cafe Finland). The film will be screened in Finland in September.

2-3週間前に映画 “かもめ食堂”を見に行った。“かもめ食堂”はヘルシンキで撮影された日本映画でフィンランドに馴染みのある日本人の私はすごく楽しみにしていた。ヘルシンキで生活することになった3人の日本の女性の話で そのうちの一人は日本食レストランのオーナー。それぞれがそれぞれの思いを持って自然豊かなフィンランドで時を過ごすうちに人生とは何か・・・みたいなことをちょっぴり見つけるというストーリー。見ている間、たくさん笑ったりほくそえんだりしていたけれど 最後にはフィンランドが懐かしくて仕方なくなった。そういう気持ちにさせる国なのだ。このレストランはKahvila Suomi (カフェ フィンランド)として実在する。そしてこの映画、9月からフィンランドでも上映されるらしい。ところで次のヘルシンキ行きは6月の中旬・・・

Fishing in Izakaya?

May 22, 2006

Img_4199 Last week, I went to Izakaya in Shinjuku with friends. ("izakaya" is sort of a cross between a restaurant and a bar.) "Zauo" was an interesting izakaya. You can fish from the pond and eat it there! It’s fun, isn’t it? The best tables are on the fishing boat but we couldn’t reserve it this time. Zauo is not only fun place for fishing but also offers good fish even if you don’t fish there. Raw fish, grilled scallop, miso soup…all of them were tasty!Img_4185_1

先週 新宿にある ざうお に行った。ざうお は魚釣りのできる居酒屋。 かなりイケテル店だった。漁船の上のテーブルが予約できれば一番だけれど今回は予約したのが遅すぎて普 通のお座敷になってしまった。残念。この居酒屋遊び心がイケテルだけじゃなくて 料理もおいしかった。もちろん釣りをしなくても普通においしい刺身や魚料理が食べられる。今回食べたお刺身も、帆立のグリルも そして味噌汁・・・全部おいしかった!   

A Summer Day…

May 20, 2006

Img_4209 It was a sunny, hot and humid summer day today though it started raining extremely hard suddenly in the late afternoon. We’ve had a lot of rain for two weeks. It hasn’t been usual May. When barometric pressure changed, my head ached a lot. I had a bad headache twice this week. Work has been quite busy. I was extremely tired.

Still yoga helped me a lot. Breathing deeply and concentrating practice, I could forget tiredness and stress. After practice, I felt refreshed. I appreciated that I’d met yoga!

The picture is the one I took after the rain from my balcony today. Sun light was beautiful!

夜に降った大雨が止んで 今日は晴れて蒸し暑い夏のような日になった。でも夕方近くにはまた大雨が・・・  この2週間くらいは雨ばかり。 5月にして まるで梅雨のような天気だった。気圧が激しく変わるとたいてい頭痛に悩まされる。今週は2回もひどい頭痛になった。仕事も忙しかったし ほんとうに疲れてしまった。


写真は今日の大雨の後 家のベランダから撮ったもの。日の光がきれいだった。

After The Rain

May 11, 2006


Img_3797 We had great weather during the Golden Week holiday except the last day, May 7. Since then, it has been raining a lot.

This morning was very very humid. I woke up and thought it must be close to seven o’clock. Looked at the alarm and it was still 6:20. I didn’t plan to go to yoga as I’d been tired. But I felt OK and thought "why not?"  I got up.

We’re not supposed to eat before practicing yoga (we should finish eating "at least" two hours before the practice) and I usually don’t eat breakfast when I go to morning practice. But my instinct was telling me I needed to eat honey butter toast ;-). (of course, whole grain bread : ) I followed the instinct. There was at least an hour before I started practice and I thought it wouldn’t bother my tummy during practice.

I went to the studio and started practice. It took less time to break a sweat as it was humid. I felt it was harder to breathe than usual and it annoyed me. Still I tried to concentrate on breathing and accept that I couldn’t breathe well. At some point, it stopped bothering me since I noticed something great and breathing became easier because of the happy feeling. My arms could reach a point of the body where they hadn’t been able to. I felt so good!

Yoga is not to pursue flexibility of the body. However, if you continue practcing, your body get stronger and more flexible. It takes time though. I feel it comes when your mind gets stronger and more flexible. And there are lots of explanation what yoga is and how yoga should be. Anyway, I’m happy for the "improvement"… it’s not the right word… maybe the "change" I noticed today  : )   

Because of the rain, I haven’t seen nice sunset from the 17th floor for a while. But this evening, the sunset was fascinating. I had only IXY200 but it worked well : )



そして今朝ははすごく蒸し暑かった。目が覚めたとき、もう7時ごろかなと思って時計を見るとまだ6時20分。最近疲れ気味だったのでヨガに行くつもりもなかったのだけれど せっかく起きたし体もあまり疲れた感じがしなかったので練習に行くことにした。ヨガの前(最低2時間前)には食事をしないことになっているし 朝の練習に行くときにはいつも朝ご飯を食べないで出かけるのだけれど、今日はなぜかトーストにハチミツとバターを塗って食べたくて仕方なかった。というか私の中の直感が そうしたほうがいいって言ってる気がした。練習を始めるまでに少なくとも1時間あったので練習中に気持ち悪くなったりすることもないだろうと思ったので直感に従うことに・・・

スタジオについて練習を始めると蒸し暑さのせいでいつもより早く汗が出てきた。ヨガ呼吸をするのがいつもより難しく感じられた。意識を呼吸に集中して、呼吸がうまくできないこともそのまま受け入れるようにしようと思った。それでもなんか心地悪かった。でもあるポーズをしたときに心地悪さは吹き飛んでしまった。体が柔らかくなっていつもできなかったポーズが出来るようになっってた: )

体がどれだけ柔軟かはヨガをする上で重要なことではないし、体を柔軟にするためにヨガを練習するのでもない。でも練習を続けていると自然に体は強く、やわらかくなってくる。もちろん時間はかかるけど。心が柔軟になったり強くなると体もそうなるのではないだろうか・・・ヨガとは、とかヨガはこうあるべきっていうような意見や説明はたくさんあったりするので私がいろいろ説明するまでもないし、説明しきれるわけもないけど。それはともかく体の変化に気づいて私が今日 happyな気分だったのは間違いない。

雨のせいで17階からの夕焼けもしばらく見ていなかったのだけれど 今日は突然とってもきれいな夕焼けが・・・ IXY200しか持ってなかったけどそれなりに感じの伝わる写真が撮れたと思う。

Organic Restaurants

May 7, 2006


Img_4113Number of organic cafe and restaurants has increased a lot recently. Something organic or LOHAS (healthy and sustainable lifestyle) is trendy in Japan (and in the other countries as well).

Yesterday, I went to an organic cafe/shop, Asante Sana Cafe & Shop near Ebisu Garden Place.The organic lunch was excellent. I enjoyed the most tasty brown rice I’d ever eaten. (I eat brown rice at home.) A lot of books and magazines relating to Well-being and environmental protection on the bookshelf were also interesting. The shop is also promoting fair trade with the Third-World.

I liked the cafe and shop and would love to go there again. It’s great we’re having more and more organic cafes in Tokyo. But I hope they won’t be too busy. Too busy organic cafe, or queuing in from of organic cafe wouldn’t give you a relaxing time which you Img_4101usually expect in the place. (I took the pictures the day before yesterday in my neighborhood.)


オーガニックレストランとかオーガニックカフェが増えてきた。 オーガニックとかロハスとか、日本では大ブームだ。(欧米諸国でももちろんある意味流行ってる。)

昨日は恵比寿ガーデンプレイスの近くにある オーガニックカフェ、カフェ・アサンテサーナでランチを食べた。ランチプレートはとてもおいしくて中でも玄米が今まで食べた中で一番おいしかった。(私は家でもImg_4120必ず玄米)壁のブックシェルフに並んだオーガニックや環境問題に関する本屋や雑誌も興味深かった。この店では第三世界とのフェアトレードにも取り組んでいる。

