Hong Kong

May 26, 2006

The second morning in Hong Kong. Traffic is busy outside. Even being on the 31st floor, I can hear the traffic. It"s Hong Kong. Yesterday, I had a different impression about Hong Kong from the ones I had at my previous visits. Before I thought H.K. was just busy place and less relaxing. But yesterday, I felt it’s quite relaxing. Train was less crowded than Tokyo and organic cafe a friend took me in the morning was pretty good.

I went to my favorite restaurant, Cafe Dynasty. They opened the restaurant in Tokyo but it’s quite busy and sometimes you have to queue for an hour, crazy isn’t it? It seems more Japanese people are coming to the one in Hong Kong. They added Japanese in their menu.

In the evening, we went to eat Chinese. Beijing dug was excellent and very cheap! Mango pudding was really yummy!

I took some pictures of the sky. It was more blue than I remembered. I’ll upload them here. when I come home.


昨日のランチはお気に入りのレストラン糖朝に行った。この店は東京にも進出してきたのだけれど 東京ではいつも混んでいて1時間並ばないと入れないってこともしばしば。それってちょっとどうなの?って感じだ。ここ香港の本店も心なしか日本人客が多くなっていたような気がした。以前はなかったのだけれどメニューに日本語も追加されていた。


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