A Lot of Photos (Marrakesh Photo Link)

June 28, 2006

Palais_elbadi13 Very humid and hot in Tokyo. I had to use air-conditioner whole night yesterday… I’ve been super busy since I came back here. I was traveling for two weeks. The first week, I was working in Helsinki and spent the weekend with close friends. Weather was great (hot!) and I enjoyed the beautiful summer. I could go to the famous Ashtanga yoga school in Helsinki and loved the class. I flew to Paris on my birthday. There were a lot to see but I had only 1.5 days! Churches were beautiful. On the second morning in Paris, I left for Marrakesh where I had a lot of interesting experiences. During the two weeks, I took a lot of pictures. And it has taken long time to choose the ones which went to the album. There are still a lot in the album though…

Here’s link to the photos I took in Marrakesh. http://smileyumi.typepad.com/photos/20066_marrakesh


で マラケシュで撮った写真はここです。http://smileyumi.typepad.com/photos/20066_marrakesh

Summer in Helsinki (3)

June 18, 2006 (Helsinki Time)

It has been unbelievably good weather here. Actually, it’s too hot to be outside during day time (for me. I’m not very good at hot weather). Today, I enjoyed Arnold’s donuts which were as good as Donuts Planet.

There was Japan’s match against Croatia (The World Cup) and it was 0-0. Japan did quite well, I think, not because of the score but because of the way they played. But they seem to have been pretty tired in the 2nd half. By the way, Mama’s & Papa’s at(I don’t remember the exact name but most likely this!) Toolontalo is a good place to watch football matches in Helsinki.


ワールドカップでは日本の第2戦目。クロアチアと0-0で引き分け。日本はかなりよくやったと思う。スコアも悪くないけどそれよりもきちんと攻めていたのがよかった。でも後半は選手が疲れすぎ。ところでヘルシンキでサッカーを見るなら Mama’s & Papa’s (たぶんこの名前でいいと思う。)がお薦め。

Summer in Helsinki

June 13, 2006

Img_43531_2 Arrived at Helsinki about an hour ago. It’s 25 degrees and sun is smiling : ) Although summer months never guarantee summer weather in Finland, I seem to be lucky to be here now. Just settled down in the hotel room where I always stay, I feel quite relaxed.

1時間くらい前にヘルシンキに着いた。気温は25℃で晴れ。とてもいい天気だ。フィンランドの夏とても気まぐれ。年によっても全然違う。夏だからといって夏らしい天気が期待できるわけじゃなかったりする。でも、今回もラッキー、いい天気のときに来たようだ。いつものホテルの部屋にチェックインして すっかりリラックス中。

Flying to Helsinki…

June 12, 2006 Full Moon

World Cup started. Quite busy every night. And extremely busy tonight. Japan’s first match and packing to leave for Helsinki. I was watching the football match and packing at the same time. I was impressed by Japan national team until Australia’s goal made the score 1-1. Defense was excellent till then. Actually 1-1 wasn’t bad at that point. We could have won or ended in a draw … But it seems Japan’s concentration slipped after that. 

Anyway, I’ll be flying to Helsinki tomorrow for work. After spending rest of the week there, I’ll be going to Paris to find the Holy Grail 😉

ワールドカップが始まった。毎晩忙しい。今夜は特に忙しかった。日本の第1戦目、それに明日ヘルシンキに行くためのパッキングもしなくちゃいけなかった。試合を観ながらパッキングもした。日本の戦いぶりはかなりよかった。1-1の同点になった時ですら、まだまだいい感じだと思った。でも残念ながらその後 集中力がぷっつり切れた感じだった。

明日はヘルシンキへ出発。遅くまで起きてなくてもワールドカップを見られるのは何より。ヘルシンキで仕事をした後は パリで聖杯を探す予定 ;-)

Yoga Works!

June 8, 2006

A couple of hours before the alarm rang, I woke up feeling a headache. I unfolded yoga mat on the tatami floor and did "child pose" (a resting yoga pose, and we’re supposed to do it whenever we get tired during the practice). Staying in the pose for a while, I got rid of the headache. It was the same the day before. Yoga works! Much better than a pain killer : )


History….. Fascinating

June 5, 2006

Img_4330 I’m reading "The Da Vinci Code". Like millions of other readers in the world, I found it’s quite fun to read. I got interested in the history told in the fiction. Of course, it wasn’t only me who was interested in it. History channel started featuring history relating to "The Da Vinci Code". Watching it, I thought it’s fascinating to know history. I didn’t find it’s that fascinating when I studied history at high-school. (Since then, I think I hadn’t had much chance to study history except something relating to economics and politics for my major.) Maybe it was because we didn’t have a chance to study each event in detail but studied only the order of events. Anyways, I want to know more about the Knights Templar and the history around. (photo is not relating to the Knights Templer but hydrangea I saw yesterday.)

今 ダ・ヴィンチ コードを読んでいる。ベストセラーだけあっておもしろい。そこに出てくる歴史もすごく興味深い・・・と思ったのはやっぱり私だけじゃなかったらしく、ヒストリーチャンネルでは ダ・ヴィンチ コードで取り上げられた歴史を特集していた。その番組を観てますます歴史を知ることっておもしろいなって思った。高校で世界史を勉強したときはそんなふうに感じなかったのに。(高校以来歴史を勉強するっていう機会はあまりなかったと思う。経済とか政治にかかわる歴史はやったけど)高校時代の世界史でこんなふうに盛り上がれなかったのは たぶん歴史上の出来事を年代順にひたすら並べられただけで深く学ぶ機会がなかったからなのでは・・・と思ったりする。まぁそんなことはともかく、今は Knights Templar とかそれにかかわる歴史とかもっと知りたくてたまらない。