The Sky was Beautiful! (German Grand Prix)

July 31, 2006

Img_5281The sky in Hockenheim was beautiful yesterday, especially through the on-board cameras. MacLaren’s strategy for Kimi didn’t work though. At the first pit stop after only the 9th lap, Kimi had to be there for 15 seconds! The right rear tyre seems to have had a problem. Still Kimi was quite entertaining especially at the very end. Commentary of the famous Japanese commentator was also entertaining. I laughed many time 😉

As well as Hockenheim, Tokyo’s sky was nice yesterday. I took a picture from my balcony.

昨日のホッケンハイムの空はとても美しかった。とくにF1の車のオン・ボードカメラからの映像が印象的だった。でもマクラーレンの戦略はうまくいかなかった。9周目のピットインではなんと15秒も停止。右の後ろのタイヤに問題があったらしい。それでも キミ・ライッコネンはすごかった。特に最後のほうの走りは楽しめた。カワイちゃんのコメントも相変わらずおもしろくて 何度も笑えた。カワイちゃんなしでのF1は考えられないくらい。

ホッケンハイムの空もきれいだったけど 東京の空も・・・ベランダから撮った写真です。

Yes, Kimi!

July 29, 2006

Kimi Raikkonen wont the pole position in Hockenheim, first time this season!!! Alonso was the 7th. I’m so excited now. It’s a Grand Prix weekend. Looking forward to tomorrow : )


Best Croissant in Paris?

July 26, 2006

Img_3841 I love croissants a lot. When I went to Paris in June, my expectation was quite high but I got a bit disappointed not to be able to find really nice croissants. Coming home, I heard there was a famous French bakery "Maison Kayser" in Tokyo and they have very very nice croissants. Their croissants was awarded the best croissant in Paris by Figaro(French newspaper). Just before flying to Beijing last week, I went to the bakery in Shiroganedai and bought three croissants. It was good but I still think it can’t beat the ones I ate in Northern Italy has been the best so far. Probably it depends on one’s preference… Other breads and pastries also looked good at the Maison Kayser and I’d like to try them later.

クロワッサンはかなり大好き。6月にパリに行ったときはおいしいクロワッサンが食べられると思ってかなり盛り上がった。でも実際にはそんなにすごいクロワッサンを見つけることはでくなくてがっかり。その後、東京にも超おいしいクロワッサンを売っているメゾン・カイザーというパン屋があることを聞いた。フランスの新聞フィガロ紙でパリで一番おいしいクロワッサンに選ばれた。先週北京に行く前に白金台にある店に行ってクロワッサンを3つ買ってみた。おいしいクロワッサンだったけれど、やっぱり北イタリアで食べたあのおいしいクロワッサンにはま負ける感じだった・・・残念ながら・・・。でもそれって個人の好みにもよるかな。お店にあった他のパンもすごくおいしそうだったから ぜひまたトライしてみたいと思う。   

Coming Home…

July 23, 2006


  Yesterday evening, I came back from Beijing. There was a day when it was extremely hot there. Maybe it was about 38 degrees. Sun was very strong! I was looking forward to coming home since I knew the temperature was much lower in Tokyo. But today, I noticed it was so humid here though the highest temperature was only about 27 degrees. When I was walking in Omotesando, I felt as if I was in steam sauna… Different place, different weather. It’s anyway summer.

I didn’t take many pictures in Beijing. But did some. The first one was just in front of the hotel. The sky was beautiful. The second picture was the evening sun. I think it was about 18:30.

昨日の夜、北京から戻った。滞在中の1日は信じられないくらい暑かっImg_5275_1た。たぶん38℃くらいになっていたと思う。日差しがとても強かった。気温の低い雨の東京に戻るのが待ち遠しくなるくらい。今日の最高気温は27℃。でもまたここには別の暑さが。とにかく湿気が高かった。表参道を歩いていたときには スチームサウナ の中にいるような気分。場所が違えば違う暑さが・・・とにかく夏だ。


Hot in Beijing

July 20, 2006

Img_52691 I’m in Beijing for work now. When I arrived here yesterday, weather was pleasant. But today, it got very very hot. Every time I come here, I stay at the same hotel. It seems that the hotel did some renovation. The room I got is quite nice! and food at breakfast buffet is much better. Swimming pool also looks better. I’d love to swim there! (Of course, I have my swimsuit with me : ) I thought the bathroom looked quite photogenic and took a picture.


Summer Sale

July 17, 2006

Summer Sale season started at the beginning of this month. I went to Takashimaya department store at Futakotamagawa last Saturday. I took bus to get there but traffic was quite busy when the bus got close to Futakotamagawa. A passenger was asking the bus driver about the traffic and the driver was telling her it’s busy because of Takashimaya’s summer sale. I got off the bus one stop before Futakotamagawa and walked as it seemed to be quicker. Futakotamagawa was very very busy with a lot of people. I felt it was almost like a festival. The Takashimaya sale had started a couple of days before, so we were a bit late to get the best items. But it was still much fun! A friend and I got excited whenever we saw "50% off" red tag. And we bought a lot! I also liked the festival atmosphere. Summer sale is definitely fun : )   

今月の初めから夏のバーゲンセールが始まった。土曜日は玉川高島屋のセールへ。家の近くからバスに載ったのだけれど二子玉川に近くなったところでかなりの渋滞にはまった。乗客の一人が渋滞のことで運転手と話していたところによるとタマタカのセールのせいで大渋滞とか。かなり時間がかかりそうだったので1つ手前のバス停で降りて高島屋まで歩くことにした。二子玉川は大混雑でなんだかお祭りムードだった。高島屋のセールは2-3日前から始まっていたのでいいものはすでに売れてしまった感があったけど、それでもかなり楽しかった。50% Offの赤札を見るたびに友達と私はかなり盛り上がった。思ってたよりたくさん購入。お祭りムードもなんだかいい感じだった。夏のバーゲンは楽しい!

When I Have A Camera With Me

July 11, 2006

Img_5258_1When I have a camera with me, it takes more time to get to the office and home…

The first picture : Morning at Sakurashimmachi

The second picure : Evening in front of the office                        



When did I see Mt. Fuji last time? The sky has been unclear. But today, there was a little space for Mt. Fuji to show itself to us in the morning!

この前富士山が見えたのはいつだったっけ?ずっとぐずついた天気だ・・・ でも今朝、ちょっとだけ見えた。

When Yoga Practice is Hard

July 9, 2006

As I do every Sunday morning, I went to yoga practice this morning. I’d been so tired and hadn’t felt energetic at all for a week or so. I hoped I would feel much better after yoga practice but … it didn’t work this time. My body was less flexible, my arms were much weaker than usual.. I had to have several rests during the practice. I don’t know why.. could be the humid weather… I was struggling with every pose.

After coming home, being away from the mat, I think about it again. It’s ok to accept that I was tired and my body couldn’t do what I had expected. That’s yoga! 

By the way, it’s so humid as it is every summer in Tokyo. But it’s a relief that it’s still cooler in the morning and evening.

いつも通りの日曜日の朝、ヨガの練習に行った。この1週間くらい、本当に疲れていて元気がない感じだった。ヨガに行けばもっと元気が出るはず・・・と期待してたけど今回は ヨガをやっても元気が出なかった。体はいつもよりもっと硬かったし、腕にも力が入らなかった。練習も休み休みやらなかればならなかったほど。どうしてなのか分からない。もしかしたら湿気のせいかも・・・ ポーズ1つ1つがほんとに大変だった。



Da Vinci Code (Film)

July 4, 2006

Paris_372 Last weekend, I went to see Da Vinci Code. Although I’d heard some bad remarks about the film, I was still excited about going to see it. However, it was disappointing indeed! Some parts of the story were different from the book. It didn’t rouse my interest in history at all unlike the novel. (Maybe impossible to make it in the 2.5hr film?) Only the good thing was that I could see what the rosewood box, the rose line, the cryptex, Sir Issac Newton’s tomb…etc. look like. 

By the way, I was quite close to the Holly Grail when I was in Paris. The Louvre was shut on the day when I tried to visit. It’s shut on Tuesdays and I didn’t know it! Anyways, I had a great time in Paris. When I went there ten years ago, I didn’t have a good impression of Paris but this time I really enjoyed being there. Galaries Lafayette’s food floor was very impressive! They have many kinds of good chocolates. I was moved to tears by beautiful stained glass and the Rose Window at Ste-Chapelle. I spent much time sitting in the Cathedrale de Notre Dam de Paris. I liked to have breakfast, croissants and cafe au lait, at the cafe looking at Basilique du Sacre Cceur in Montmartre where my hotel was located. I wish I’d had more time to visit museums and churches, and go shopping (I bought only aroma oil and some dark chocolates! It’s also true that my suitcase didn’t have much space left for more purchase after I bought thin duvet in Helsinki though.).


先週末 ダ・ヴィンチ・コードを観に行った。あまりおもしろくないという評判を聞いてはいたけれどかなり楽しみにしていた。でも その評判どおり、ちょっとがっかりな内容だった。ストーリーは原作と違うところがあったし、本を読んだときに感じた歴史のおもしろさみたいなのはまったく感じさせられなかった。それでもローズウッドボックスとかローズラインとかクリプテックスとか、それにニュートンの墓石なんかを映像で見ることができたのはよかった。

ところで ダ・ヴィンチ・コードといえばパリに行ったときこの物語で聖杯があるとされている場所のすぐ近くまで行っていた。残念ながらルーブル美術館は休みだったのだけれど。火曜日が定休日だったとは知らなかった。ルーブルには入れなくてもパリはほんとに楽しかった。ギャラリーラファイエットの食品売り場はすごかった。今までみたことがないくらいいろんな種類のおいしそうなチョコレートが並んでいた。Ste-Chapelleのステンドグラスとローズウィンドーの美しさにに感動して思わず涙がこぼれた。ノートルダム寺院ではとても長い時間座っていた。ホテルのあったモンマルトルのSacre Cceur を正面に見ることのできるカフェで毎日朝ごはんのクロワッサンとカフェオレを食べた。もっと時間が欲しかった。美術館や教会をたくさん巡って、もっともっとショッピングを楽しみたかった。(買い物といえばアロマオイルとブラックチョコレートを買っただけ。ヘルシンキで薄い夏掛け布団を買ったりしてたからスーツケースに余裕がなかったのでそれ以上買えたとしてもやばかったかも・・・)