When Yoga Practice is Hard

July 9, 2006

As I do every Sunday morning, I went to yoga practice this morning. I’d been so tired and hadn’t felt energetic at all for a week or so. I hoped I would feel much better after yoga practice but … it didn’t work this time. My body was less flexible, my arms were much weaker than usual.. I had to have several rests during the practice. I don’t know why.. could be the humid weather… I was struggling with every pose.

After coming home, being away from the mat, I think about it again. It’s ok to accept that I was tired and my body couldn’t do what I had expected. That’s yoga! 

By the way, it’s so humid as it is every summer in Tokyo. But it’s a relief that it’s still cooler in the morning and evening.

いつも通りの日曜日の朝、ヨガの練習に行った。この1週間くらい、本当に疲れていて元気がない感じだった。ヨガに行けばもっと元気が出るはず・・・と期待してたけど今回は ヨガをやっても元気が出なかった。体はいつもよりもっと硬かったし、腕にも力が入らなかった。練習も休み休みやらなかればならなかったほど。どうしてなのか分からない。もしかしたら湿気のせいかも・・・ ポーズ1つ1つがほんとに大変だった。



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