Nothing New But Flying Again!

Aug. 15, 2006

There have been several things I wanted to write here since I wrote last time but I haven’t got time to do it. I’m flying to Helsinki tomorrow again. I decided to spend my holiday there participating in yoga workshop of Pattabhi Jois (if you practice yoga, I think you know him.). I’ll have plenty of time to write there but today, need to go to bed soon. I have to get up at 4:00am tomorrow morning!

ここ数日書きたいことはいくつかあったのだけれど かなり忙しくしていたので時間がなかった。明日からまたヘルシンキへ。今回は休暇。パタビ・ジョイスのワークショップ(ヨガ)に参加してあとはゆっくりするつもり。書く時間はたっぷりあるはず。明日は4時起き・・・寝なくちゃ・・・

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