Terracotta Warriors in Xian

Sep. 27, 2006


Img_6282The highlight of the weekend I stayed in Xian was, of course, the heritage site, Terracotta Warriors. I went there on Sep. 17, the sunny day. And it was the next day when a German student fooled police by posing as one of the warriors. I wish I could have seen him and taken a picture!

The site was amazing. It was hard to believe that people made the potteries 2200 years ago and they have been preserved quite well considering the time passed. There are more to warriors remain under the ground and I wonder when they dig more or if they will do? … It’s anyway a lot!

A lot of terracotta warriors and a lot of people there, especially in the Pit 1. It wasn’t easy to take pictures in the crowded and relatively dark place.

By the way, the surrounding montais and nature was beautiful. (more pictures at the bottom of this post)


西安で過ごした週末のハイライトはなんと言っても 兵馬俑。9月17日に見に行ったのだけれど 実はその翌日、あのドイツ人学生が兵隊の衣装をまとって隊列に並んでいたのだ。見れなくて残念!


たくさんの兵隊、それにたくさんの観光客・・・とにかく人が多かったし 室内はちょっと暗めだったので写真を撮るのは容易じゃなかった。


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