Palo Alto

Nov. 3, 2006

Actually, it’s still the 2nd of November here in California. 9.5 hours flight from Tokyo to L.A. Ridiculously tight security, long queue, complaining  & arguing people and flight delay at the Los Angels International Airport. Even after getting on board, we had to wait for an hour or maybe more, but I’m not sure as I was sleeping and didn’t know when the plane took off. I thought we were still at the airport when flight attendants started serving drink…I thought they did it because we had to wait for longer than expected. But we’re flying…

Arrived at San Francisco, I took door-to-door shuttle to Palo Alto. Traffic was busy in the evening. It was dark when I got the Stanford Terrace Inn hotel. But I’m glad to be in the comfortable hotel room now. Quite a big room! Just hope I can sleep wel after almost 24(or 23?) hours of travellingl!


サンフランシスコに着いて door-to-door シャトルタクシーに乗ってパロ・アルトへ。夕方なので道も混んでいてホテルに着くた時には 辺りは真っ暗。でも着いてほっとした。もう空の上じゃないしホテルは快適、それに必要以上に広い。東京の家を出てからここに着くまで24時間くらいかかった。(23時間くらいか・・・?)後は寝るだけ。ゆっくり寝れることを祈るのみ。

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