Ikaho Hot-Spring Resort



I stayed at  Ikaho hot-spring resort in Gumma prefecture with colleagues last night. Unfortunately, I was quite ill yesterday and couldn’t enjoy the hot spring and the nature. This morning, however, I felt much better and relaxed in a hot spring. I always feel it’s nicer to bathe in a hot spring in the morning, especially when there is an open-air bath. Weather was great and the surrounding mountains were beautiful. And PowerShot (my lovely digital compact camera)worked as usual!

Img_0501_3 Back in Tokyo today, full moon is beautiful. As I did last full moon day in San Francisco, I took some pictures of the beautiful moon, this time by the brand-new digital SLR. It took some time to fix a tripod. For me, it’s always challenging to fix it!

昨日は会社の旅行で群馬の伊香保温泉に1泊。昨日はなぜかとても具合が悪くて温泉や自然を楽しむ余裕も なくひたすら寝ていた。今朝になってなんとか回復、朝風呂を楽しむ。いつも思うのだけれど温泉は夜より朝の方が気持ちいい。とりわけ露天風呂は最高。天気もよくて周りの山もきれいだった。持って行ったパワーショット(今までずっと使ってたコンパクトデジタルカメラ)で 少し写真を撮ることもできた。

東京に戻って来る時間にはきれいな満月が…。前回の満月のときには サンフランシスコで写真を撮っていたのを思い出す。今回は東京で新しい一眼レフを使って撮影。三脚のセットはいつもながらほんと難しかった。

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