Still Smiling…

Jan 25, 2007

Img_1094 The lovely flowers I bought last Friday is till smiling in my bedroom : ) I had much fun last night when I was taking pictures of them.

先週の金曜日に買った花はまだまだ元気。ほんと lovely : ) 昨日の夜はいろんな角度から写真を撮ってみた。大好きな花の写真撮影はほんと楽しかった。

Farewell Party

Jan 22, 2007

If you came to my blog to see Janell’s Farewell Party held at Sun & Moon, please e-mail me. I didn’t put the link from this page to respect participant’s privacy. 

Sun & MoonでのJanellの送別会のフォトアルバムのリンクについてはe-mailにてお知らせします。私宛メールしてください。(参加者のプライバシーを尊重したいと思います。)


Jan. 18, 2007

The lovely pink flowers were too pretty to ignore yesterday in Meguro Atre. The soft pink was smiling at me.



Living Diner

Jan.12, 2007

Cake_1Obviously, I ate too much cheese yesterday. I was very tired with the heavy tummy. But I just couldn’t help ordering those dishes!

Living Diner, an organic restaurant, near Nakameguro station was lovely. A lot of choices in the menu. I had Gorgonzola cheese pizza with honey and baked cheese cake. Both were rich and yummy. (Love rich food!)

The only disappointment was that they put whipped cream on soy milk panna cotta. The friend who ordered it wanted to avoid milk (cream) and chose "soy milk" panna cotta. But.. I know it happens at Starbucks, too, when I order soy milk hot chocolate trying to avoid milk! And I always forget to ask them not to put whipped cream (Milk is rich in nutrients but you need to avoid combining it with certain food for digestion.)

Anyways, the restaurant and the food were lovely. I’m looking forward to going there again.


Living Dinerは中目黒にあるオーガニックレストランでメニューも豊富。とてもよい感じのレストランだった。残念だったのは豆乳のパンナコッタに普通のホイップクリームがのっていたこと。ミルク(クリーム)を避けたくてわざわざ豆乳のでデザートを頼んだ友達、でも・・・。これってスタバでも同じで豆乳のココアを頼んでも普通のホイップクリームがのっている。さらに私はいつもホイップクリームがいらないことを伝えるのを忘れてしまう。(ミルクはとても栄養価が高いのだけれど特定の食べ物との組み合わせるとても消化が悪くなってしますので 気をつけなければいいけない。) それを除けば申し分のないレストラン。ぜひまた行きたい。

Gourmet Kyoto

  Jan.6, 2007

Img_0594Img_0593 Although my mom and I didn’t plan it much, we ended up with eating at the famous restaurants in Kyoto when we visited there on the new year’s holiday. The tofu restaurant next to Sanzen-in temple was Img_0731Img_0933not busy when arrived there after 14:00 though mom told me it’s very famous and always busy. We also ate at Tagoto, soba restaurant in Sanjo. I could find my favorite eel restaurant where I went more than 10 years ago in Shikyogoku.  The restaurant, Kaneyo, say they are the best eel restaurant in Japan at the entrance. We were satisfied with Kyoto gourmet!


New Year, New PC

Jan. 5, 2006

I went to Kyoto on Jan.1 and 2 and took a lot of pictures by the new camera. The 2GB compact flash got full. A file size of each photo is huge and it was too much for my old PC to open the photos. So, I went to Bic Camera and bought VAIO with Core 2 Duo! But the PC couldn’t connect to the network. I tried to sort it out in many different ways but WLAN have never worked and even cable connection failed.. Finally, switching off everything and connecting PC and the modem, I managed to make it work. So, I’m writing this … Soon the photos I took in Kyoto should be here!

1月1に京都に行って1泊。新しいカメラでたくさん写真を撮った。2GBのコンパクトフラッシュはあっという間にフルになってしまった。家に戻ってきたけれど私の古いPCでファイルサイズの大きい写真を開くのはかなりきつい。ってことでビックカメラに行ってCore2Duo搭載のVAIOを購入。ところがネットワークに接続できない。いろいろ試してみたけれどぜんぜんだめ。WLANはともかくケーブルでつないでもだめ。でもついにすべての電源を落としてケーブル接続でネットワークをゲット。で こうしてブログを書いている。写真ももうすぐUPできるはず。