Working on The Photos

July 20, 2007

Img_3897 I came home yesterday and am trying to choose pictures which I would like to upload in the album. Meanwhile, my most favorite picture from the trip…


Very Sunny in Furano

July 18, 2007

17072007184We came to Furano the day before. There are a lot of flowers here and there. But no internet connection without paying. I’m trying to post from E61 transfering the photo from N73 by bluetooth(love BT!)


In Jozankei Hot Springs

July 15, 2007

We came to Jozankei hot springs located an hour away from sapporo city center by car. Nothing very special but just hot springs in the country. But I found really lovely flowers in the parking space. Since I’m writing by my mobile, I can’t upload the photos I took by my Canon though… Anyway, I’m having easy time sunk in the hot springs and reading the favourite book : )


Seafood, Flowers, Music…-The 2nd Day in Sapporo

July 14, 2007

Lunch_2 We went to the fish market in Sapporo for lunch. The seafood restaurant the guidebook recommended was great. The seafood bowl we had was so good : ) 

Then we went to the Odori park to see roses and other flowers. Hydrangea and roses were lovely : )

We had a chance to listen to Ensemble played by musicians of Vienna Philharmonic orchestra at the concert hall near our hotel in the evening. The music was beautiful and I was moved and cried a little 😉

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ランチを食べに札幌場外市場へ…。ガイドブックに載っていた店、魚屋の台所でおまかせ丼を食べる。ホントにおいしかった :)



Now in Sappro

July 13, 2007

Took the early afternoon flight form Haneda(Tokyo) to Sapporo. Arrived at Sapporo at half three and went to the outlet shopping mall near the airport. It was only 14degrees and not humid. (It was 65% humidity in my room yesterday evening!!!) I had huge expectation for the shopping mall looking at the list of the shops…but…I bought only 500yen Indian shirt… nothing else was interesting…

We had dinner at sushi restaurant in the shopping mall. It was a branch of the famous sushi restaurant but I wasn’t impressed very much…

This is my first day in Sapporo…actually Chitose where airport is located..

Oh-, I forgot to mention the most impressive thing of the day. We had coffee break before shopping. Cake We ate amazing cheese cakes. The one I had was served with sweetberry(blue-berried) honeysuckle sauce. The sauce was amazing! I loved it. The cheese cake was very light and combination of the cake and the sauce was perfect! And coffee was quite good. Something I most recommend at the outlet shopping mall is "Kahisakan" cafe.




と思ったが、一番よかったことを忘れていた。買い物の前にお茶をしたときに食べたチーズケーキに感激したこと。私が食べたのはハスカップソースの添えられたレアチーズケーキ。そのソースのおいしいこと。一気にハスカップファンになる!とても軽い食感のチーズケーキとラブリーなハスカップソースの組み合わせが最高!コーヒーもとてもおいしかった。ということでここのアウトレットでの一番のお勧めは このカフェ、可否茶館(かひさかん)です。

Photos by N73

Photos I took by N73 for last two months…


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Mt. Shasta, California in May         Asparagas at restaurant in Helsinki

カリフォルニアのシャスタ山(5月)    ヘルシンキのレストランで食べたアスパラガス

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Gumma in May  5月の群馬で           Resort hotel in Beijing in June


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Lotus in Beijing in June      北京で見た蓮の花(6月)           

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Resort hotel in Beijing in June      Siikaranta, Finland in May

(北京と思えぬ)北京のリゾートホテル フィンランドのシーカランタ(5月) 


Ebisu, Tokyo in June


Last Two Months…

July 12, 2007

It has been almost two months since I wrote here last time. Time flies.. I’ve been traveling, traveling, traveling… At the end of May, I spent about ten days in Europe. I went to Amsterdam first time and enjoyed the amazing paintings and the the history in the museum. Then I flew to Helsinki for work. The familar place looked a bit different with many new shops. Weather was great. I took a lot, alot of pictures during this trip but haven’t sorted them out yet. I spent a week after coming back from Helsinki and flew there again. Then I came back to Tokyo, spent a week and went to Beijing again. I don’t know how and where to start writing about all the trips…but tomorrow, I’ll fly to Hokkaido on holiday : ) It’s Summer holiday. And I’d love to write everyday sharing the photos I take…
