Seafood, Flowers, Music…-The 2nd Day in Sapporo

July 14, 2007

Lunch_2 We went to the fish market in Sapporo for lunch. The seafood restaurant the guidebook recommended was great. The seafood bowl we had was so good : ) 

Then we went to the Odori park to see roses and other flowers. Hydrangea and roses were lovely : )

We had a chance to listen to Ensemble played by musicians of Vienna Philharmonic orchestra at the concert hall near our hotel in the evening. The music was beautiful and I was moved and cried a little 😉

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ランチを食べに札幌場外市場へ…。ガイドブックに載っていた店、魚屋の台所でおまかせ丼を食べる。ホントにおいしかった :)



2 thoughts on “Seafood, Flowers, Music…-The 2nd Day in Sapporo

  1. うまそーっ。

  2. まじおいしかった!

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