Almost A Month Without A Post!

Sep. 19, 2007

I haven’t written for long time again. It has been just hot in Tokyo though there were several days when I thought this summer was short and autumn had come. But it was an illusion 😉

I’m flying to Beijing the day after and looking forward to it. Even though air pollution is awful, it’s cooler and I don’t usually walk outside in Beijing. And pollution must be better than August when I became very dizzy, had sore throat and had a problem in my eyes. It was when they had a-year-to-go-to-Olympic events. Traffic was mush busier than usual, especially around my hotel that was located close to the Tienanmen square where the even was held. The hotel, however, was the best I’d ever stayed in Beijing. Their service was great(especially the everyday complimentary fruits in the room!!!), all the hotel staffs spoke English, it was connected to a huge shopping mall which I have to go again, etc. So, I decided that I’d stay at the Traders hotel every time I visit Beijing. (I go there once a month on business.)

This time, a friend will come with me and we’ll spend a weekend. We hired a driver at 10,000yen/day (I think it’s quite reasonable) and will go to the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. Tienanmen was close to the hotel anyway and we’ll go there on our own. Last time when I went to the Great Wall, I didn’t have a digital SLR camera but this time I’ll be with EOS Kiss digital X, and am excited about photo-shooting! 


またしても長い間書いてなかった。この間東京はひたすら暑かった。何日か涼しい日が続いたときもあって、今年の夏は短かった、もう秋が来た!と思ったこともあったが それはまったくの思い違いだった。


今回の出張には東京から友達が一緒に来て週末を過ごす。1日1万円でタクシーも雇った。(とてもリーズナブルな値段だと思うが。)万里の長城やサマーパレス(日本語でなんだ?夏城???)に行く。天安門はホテルのすぐ近くなので別の日にふらっと行こうと思っている。前回万里の長城に行ったときは一眼のカメラを持っていなかったのだが、今回はEos Kiss Digital X がある。写真撮るのがなにより楽しみ : )