Year End

Dec. 29, 2007

Img_5261   The day after tomorrow is already new year’s eve. Time flies and I’ve been quite busy again. Today, year-end/new year holiday started and feel happy and relaxed. There are many things I want to do during the holiday. One of them is to organize pictures I took in Kamakura on Dec. 6 when I was on the radio show of FM Kamakura as an interpreter first time. The show was at night but I had a day off and enjoyed beautiful colored leaves in Kamakura. I bought a wide-angle lens on the way and tested it. So, here’s the colorful album.

It’s theoretically winter now but you can still find some colored leaves in the greater Tokyo area. The highest temperature of Tokyo was 17degrees in Tokyo today though it was rainy and cold yesterday.

明後日はもう大晦日。光陰矢のごとし(って、time flies に比べていやに難しい)、私もまたまた大忙しだった。年末年始の休みが今日から始まってほっと一息、かつすごくうれしい。この休み中にやりたいと思ってることはたくさんあるのだけれど、そのひとつが12月6日に鎌倉で撮った写真の整理。その日は通訳として初めてラジオに出演(鎌倉FMというとてもローカルなラジオ局ですが・・・)、番組は夜だったけど、1日休みを撮って鎌倉の紅葉を見に行くことにした。行く途中で広角レンズを購入、さっそくテストしてみた。とういことで 色鮮やかな紅葉の写真はこちら。


The First Weekend in December

December, 3, 2007


On the first weekend of December, I walked, ate, and shopped in Omotesando, Roppongi, Meguro and Futakotamagawa. At the same time, I enjoyed colored leaves on the streets and in the parks, and Christmas decoration in the town. The one in the picture is the Christmas tree in front of the Avex building in Omotesando.


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