Snowing in Tokyo…

Feb. 3, 2008

030220081 It’s the first-day of spring according to the lunar calendar today. But it snowed a lot in Tokyo though it seems to have stopped… I didn’t go out at all, watched TV and tidied up the flat. I love snow as it absorbs sounds and noise and outside becomes quiet. It’s beautiful when everything is covered by snow. I took the picture from my balcony. (the first picture)It’s my neighbor’s tree.

As to snow, I had a great time skiing in Sugadaira, Nagano, last weekend. Snow was good and the view from the mountains was magnificent. It was 27022007pretty cold though 😉

Since I hadn’t skied for two years, my legs got totally tired at the beginning. But gradually I started to remember how to ski 😉 and felt greater and greater in the snow. It was interesting that yoga, balance and confidence I learnt from yoga, helped me ski better than ever.

Sugadaira is not a fancy ski resort. You don’t find anything similar to Naeba. But snow is always nice and it’s not busy. A lot of space on the slopes and you don’t have to queue for lifts! A friend and I agreed we would come back to Sugadaira once again this year. 


ところで 雪といえば、先週末は菅平にスキーに行き、とても楽しかった。雪質もよく、山から見る景色はとても素敵だった!すごく寒かったけど。

