I’ve moved to Helsinki

May 22, 2008

Yesterday, I flew from Tokyo to Helsinki. And now I live in Helsinki though I don't feel so staying at the familiar hotel 😉 Today, I went to the head office of our company and signed the new contract even though I've worked for the same company in Tokyo for about ten years. I also met the real estate agency to find an apartment. And tomorrow, I'll go to several government offices for registration. It sounds busy but I don't feel so.

The reason why I haven't been able to write for long time is mainly for the preparation for moving. There were so many things happened during the period but I couldn't write it. Now in Finland, I would like to write more and share what I see and feel here with friends. I also would like to write about my ski trip to Grindelwald in March, my experience in Beijing where I visited every month for a year, and some other things happened during last five months.

By the way, Finnair's service was improved this month. I say "this month" as it was different last month when I came to Helsinki. We had two choices for lunch (chicken or pork), they had tooth-brush and paste in the toilet and they served snack in between two meals. And they had better design of paper cups 😉


長い間ブログを更新してなかったのは 主に引越しの準備が忙しかったせい。その間にもいろんなことがあったけど書く時間がなかった。でも今はフィンランド。もっとまめにブログを書いてここで経験することをみんなとシェアしたいと思っている。3月に行ったスイスでのスキー旅行のこと、1年間毎月行った北京のこと、そのほかにもこの5ヶ月くらいの間にあったことなどを書ければいいなと思っている。

ところで フィンエアは今月からサービスが向上。先月ヘルシンキに来たときは違ったから、今月からといっていいと思う。まず昼ごはんが2種類のメニューから選べるようになった(今回はカツ丼か親子丼という微妙な選択だが(微妙か?)もちろんカツ丼を選択)し、トイレには歯磨きセットが用意されていた。それに 2回の食事の間にスナック(サンドイッチ)が配られ(普通この距離ではめずらしい。ちなみにヘルシンキに行ったことのない皆さん飛行時間は10時間くらい)、紙コップのデザインも素敵になっていた 😉

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