Midsummer Weekend

June 21, 2008

IMG_0596 It's midsummer holiday in Finland. People are celebrating midsummer (called "Juhannus"), of course, drinking beer. Yesterday, the first day of the long weekend was rainy and windy. But it's sunny today. I took a walk in the forest and by the sea with a friend. It was a lovely day and the sun is still high at 21:48.

フィンランドではユハンヌスと呼ばれる夏至祭の週末3連休。 もちろんみんなビールを飲んで祝っている。3連休初日の昨日は雨が降って風も強かったけど、今日はいい天気。友達と一緒に森や海のそばを散歩した。とても気持ちのいい1日だった。今21:48だが、まだ外はとても明るい。

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Sushi Party

une 18, 2008

We had Sushi party yestarday evening!  And I think we did very well!!!


Sushi   17062008186

BTW, ADSL is coming to my flat! ところで、明日はついに家にADSLが設置される。


 June 13, 2008

I haven't got ADSL at home yet though I have done the application. That's why I haven't been able to write here. Yesterday, I tried to use mobile typepad and was uploading and typing texts. I tried it twice but pushed the wrong button in the middle and lost the photo and the texts twice.

Anyway, this week we had rain everyday in the evening except today(Friday, but there might rain again later). Temperature was lower than last week. But there was still some sunshine : ) And I saw rainbow in the sky after the rain.

Some pictures from some weekends… There are a lot of outdoor events during summer : )

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申し込みはしたものの、まだ家にADSLがきていないのでなかなかブログの更新ができない。昨日はモバイルTypepadに2回ほどトライしたものの、途中で間違ったボタンを押してしまって ブラウザが閉じてし文も写真も消えてしまった。その後はもう面倒になってしまって再トライはしなかった。



After Shopping

June 2, 2008



After going shopping for furniture, friends and I went to have tea. It was a small cafe by the sea and we got fresh pulla (mildly-sweet Finnish dessert bread, Pulla in Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulla, and in the picture) . Weather was lovely though it was a bit windy… (at around 7:00pm)


The Second Weekend After I Moved to Helsinki

June 1, 2008

My first week at work in Helsinki office was over and I enjoyed the weekend so much. I was happy on Friday evening as I found a nice apartment to move and I know that I could sleep late on Saturday morning. I slept till 9:00am (not that late but later than weekdays), had breakfast and took a morning bath.

Karjalanpiirakka Then I went to eat my favorite Finnish food, Karjalanpiirakka (Karelian Rice Pasties in the picture) at Fazer cafe. Fazer is the most famous Finnish food industry and I love their milk chocolate. Their "Geisha" chocolate is the best and a friend told me that there was Geisha icecream which I tried today(Sunday) and found excellent! Getting back to Karjalanpiirakka, it's pasties made from a thin rye crust with a filling of rice. (They had different kinds of crust and fillings in the past but the rye crust with a filling of rice is the most familiar one nowadays). And butter, often mixed with boiled egg (eggbutter or munavoi), is spread over the hot pasties before eating. (wikipedia)  Fazer has quite good karjalanpiirakka but I have to say my eggbutter is always the best as IMG_0501 I mix more butter with egg. (Love butter!)

In the evening, A friend and I went picnic to a park in the city center. A lot of people are out as weather was great. We ate sandwiches on the grass next to Uspenski Orthodox church. The sky, trees and flowers were beautiful! 


それから出かけてフィンランドの食べ物の中でも私の好物、カレリアパイを食べにFazerのカフェに。Fazerはフィンランドで一番有名なチョコレートのブランド。なかでも “ゲイシャ”が私の一番のお気に入り。そして先日友達からゲイシャ・アイスクリームがあることを聞いて、今日(日曜日)早速食べてみたが、それもまたとってもおいしかった。

IMG_0507 ところで話はカレリアパイに戻るが、これはライのパイ皮におかゆ(というかお米というか)を載せたパイ。説明するのは難しいけど上の写真を参考にしてください。そして卵バターを食べるのが一般的。Fazerのパイはとてもおいしいが、実はスーパーで買ったカレリアパイに私のお手製のエッグバターを載せて食べるのがベスト。好きなだけバターを入れられるのでとてもおいしい。(バター大好き!)
