Autumn: Suomenlinna…

Oct 6, 2008

IMG_1170 I think almost all tourists go to the island, Suomenlinna. It takes only 15 minutes from the market square in Helsinki city center by ferry. It's the 250-year-old fortress and listed in the UNESCO's world heritage list. It's also popular among the people living in the Helsinki area, especially, when the weather is great. It's a beautiful island, it's so close to the city center  and you can get there with ordinary city transportation ticket. It's also my favorite place.

About two weeks ago when a friend from Tokyo was visiting here, we went there and enjoyed the beautiful autumn scenery. I was fascinated by the colored leaves and the evening light. I took again many many photos.

Clic the link to see the album:

IMG_1133 And somehow, I like the photo on the left the best among them though it's difficult for one to say it's   autumn scenery 😉

By the way, the first picture in the album is the sunset view from my flat in Espoo and the next four picture of the colored leaves were shot in front of the flat.

観光客ならほとんど誰もが行くのではと思われる場所 スオメンリンナ島。ヘルシンキの中心、マーケット広場からフェリーでたったの15分。250年の歴史をもつ要塞で、ユネスコの世界遺産にも登録されている。もちろん地元の人たちにも人気のスポット。特に天気がいいときは素敵な場所だ。自然に囲まれた美しい島、ヘルシンキの中心にも程近く、普通の市内交通の切符をで行けるので、私も好きな場所だ。


なぜか私が一番気に入ったのはこのドアの写真なのだけれど 秋の景色だと言い切るのは難しい…


One thought on “Autumn: Suomenlinna…

  1. がーこ says:

    I went there on a rainy evening last September. My memory connected to the place is “bunch of colleagues getting drunk”! Would love to visit when the sun is out sometime soon 🙂

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