Tampere & the world best munkki

20100914_016 I
visited Tampere for work on the beautiful autumn day and stayed one night there. My expectation to Tampere wasn't much. Only what I could think of going after work was ra-men (kinda' Japanese noodle) restaurant, "Hanabi". I went to eat supper there but Tampere had more to offer : ) A friend recommended me to go to cafe at the Pyynikin näkötorni as they have very tasty munkki in addition to the beautiful view from the top of the tower. It was located about 30-minute away from the city center (I am not sure about it as a friend from work and I deviated to go to some shop on the way). And it was a good exercise before eating sugary treat! The cafe was busy. In the surroundings, people were jogging, walking and motorcycling. Later I heard that motorcyclist get together at the cafe every Monday and
20100914_011 it's difficult to get a table. Luckily it was Tuesday when we went there though. I wondered if I should order regular size mukki or smaller one but I am glad that I got the regular size. It was super yummy and my Finnish friend told me that it was the best she had ever eaten. I thought so, too! We concluded it's the best munkki in Finland and it means it's the best in the world as we don't think other countries have munkki. I had thought munkki was doughnut before but it's not. Or do we have something similar in Japan… not so sure about it. I was tempted to have another munkki but managed not to have ;-)   

The view from the top of the tower was beautiful, BTW, but I have to say, it's worth going to Tampere for munkki!!! 

PS. Trying to add the link of the cafe, I realized they call it doughnut! Here's the link.


St Petersburg – Another fascinating destination…

IMG_5830 Aug 26-30, 2010

Two weeks after the amazing trip to India (I know I haven't written about India yet ;-), I made a trip to another destination that I had never imagined to go till a couple of years ago. With some friends living in Helsinki, we went to St. Petersburg. Travellling by ferry from/to Helsinki, passengers are allowed to stay in Russia up to 72 hours without visa. It's much cheaper than travelling by train obtaining visa. It would cost 90eur for Japanese people to get visa.

The cabin we got on the ferry was the 2nd cheapest among the categories and had no windows. But it was good enough to sleep one night on the way to St P and another night from there.

On the Thursday evening, our ferry left Helsinki at 19:00. The view towards the city of Helsinki was beautiful and it was quite fun to see Suomenlinna from the ferry. I recognised the star shape of the fortress first time though  had visited Suomenlinna so many times. We took a lot of pictures already at the departure. We were so excited about travelling by ferry, the beautiful scenery and, more than anything, the fascinating destination.

初めてのインド旅行から戻り(ってインドの話はまだ書いてないけど、後ほど書きます)、2週間後に今度はロシア・サンクトペテルスブルグに船の旅。インドもいつか行くとは思ってもいなかった場所だけれどロシアもまた、2年前くらいまでは考えられなかった旅行先。でもヘルシンキからだと近いのだ。かつ 最近始まったビザなし渡航。ヘルシンキから特定のフェリーでサンクトペテルスブルグに往復すると72時間までビザなしで滞在することができる。日本人のロシアの観光ビザは90ユーロもかかるのでかなりお得な感じである。ヘルシンキに住む友人3人と初めてのロシア。

