Organic Brunch at Galleria Keidas

20110219_007 After Pilates class, I went for brunch at an organic cafe, Galleria Keidas, at Hakaniemi. Waffle with blueberry ice cream was my most favorite of the brunch.

The cafe was busy with a lot of customers and they need to work on efficiency to make customers happy. Also, they need to invest in heating. It was quite cold in the cafe and we couldn't take off our down-jacket. 

Food was healthy and good. And it was nice we could try several organic products we had been interested in and wondering about how they would taste. Also the owner was very nice.

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本日ピラテスクラスの後に 友達と一緒にハカニエミにあるオーガニックカフェ Galleria Keidasでブランチ。ブルーベリーアイスののったワッフルが一番おいしかった :)





Dinner at Martta : )

I wanted to have nice dinner without making a reservationwhen I got together with lovely friends last everning. Some restaurant which offers good dishes and less busy… I thought of the restaurant Martta and as I guessed, it wasn't busy at all but food was lovey. The Martta in Finnish and The Martha in English is  a Finnish home economics organization, which was founded in 1899 to promote the quality and standard of life in the home. It also carries out cultural and civic education according to their web page. ( I recommend this restaurnat, especially when you ge together with good old friends in Helsinki.  Price level : not too expensive : )

The restaurant web page: Finnish but menu is available in English as well)

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Main: Warm Salmon and Smoked Pike Meatloaf Sandwich, Dessert:Cranberry and Fudge Crème Brûlée

親しい友達と集まる予定だった昨日の夕方、予約しなくても入れるおいしい店はないだろうかと思いをめぐらせて思いついたのがMartta 。このレストランはマルッタという団体が経営している。マルッタは家事についての意識と知識を普及させようと1899年に発足したフィンランドの草の根組織。(って英語のweb pageを訳そうと試みたけど実際それを日本語で説明しようとするとなんだか難しい。まあ フィンランド版マーサ・スチュアートの団体かな。)ということで昨日はこの店でディナー。予想通り全然混んでなかったしお料理もおいしかった。写真は私が食べたスモークサーモンとカワカマス(というらしい、pike)の暖かいサンドイッチとデザートのクランベリーファッジ クレムブリュレー。ヘルシンキのお勧めレストラン。値段もそれほど高くないし。

お店のhome page は (フィンランド語ですがメニューは英語でも書いてあります)



Extreme Weather in Helsinki

Winter morning

It has been extremely cold in Finland recently. And honestly, I had hated the weather till I noticed it was so beautiful out there. I jumped out from the tram 3T even though it was about -18 degrees. One of the good things of living in Finland is that you don't have to go for expedition to see this kind of scenery. It's just on the way to the office : )
