Organic Brunch at Galleria Keidas

20110219_007 After Pilates class, I went for brunch at an organic cafe, Galleria Keidas, at Hakaniemi. Waffle with blueberry ice cream was my most favorite of the brunch.

The cafe was busy with a lot of customers and they need to work on efficiency to make customers happy. Also, they need to invest in heating. It was quite cold in the cafe and we couldn't take off our down-jacket. 

Food was healthy and good. And it was nice we could try several organic products we had been interested in and wondering about how they would taste. Also the owner was very nice.

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本日ピラテスクラスの後に 友達と一緒にハカニエミにあるオーガニックカフェ Galleria Keidasでブランチ。ブルーベリーアイスののったワッフルが一番おいしかった :)





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