Summer & Potatoes

Last Friday when I said, "I am going to cook new potatoes tomorrow", a friend of mine recommended me "siikli" potetoes. It's yummy and I like the texture a lot. Today I cooked it with Ghee which I made from unsalted butter, cumin seed and garlic. I didn't add any salt and pepper but it tasted nice : ) I like Finnish summer now more than before. Food is one of the reasons. We can get fresh vegetable and fruits, which I can't find very much in winter here.

フィンランドの夏が以前よりもっと好きになったかも。その理由の1つは食べ物。夏になると新鮮な野菜やフルーツがたくさん出回る。この新じゃが siikli もその1つ。先週フィンランド人の友達が教えてくれたおいしいじゃがいも。今日はこのじゃがいもを無塩バターから自分で作ったギーとクミンシードとにんにくで炒めて晩御飯。味もさながら食感がとてもよい感じ。


Bread & Butter – Kannisto Leipomo & Kirnuvoi

I can't start a day without good bread and butter. (and coffee…)

Kannisto leipomo ( is my most favorite bakery in Helsinki (not many bakeries in this country, BTW!!!) And it's located in my neighborhood : ) This morning, I went there to get some fresh bread for the coming week and it was really refreshing to walk there with some deviation to the park. Love weekend's mornings! 

Yesterday, a friend introduced me the butter in the picture when we went to the Anton & Anton saying it has been her favorite. I love butter maybe more than bread and haven't been happy the ordinary butter which alsmot everyone buy at the supermarket here. So, I had high expectation when the friend introduced it to me! Hurray, it didn't betray my expectation this morning! It's much more tasty than the other one! I can't wait for tomorrow morning to have the bread and the butter 😉


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朝ごはんはトーストにバター。(そしてコーヒー) おいしいトーストとバターは1日のスタートに欠かせない。

今朝は近所のKannisto Leipomoに焼きたてのパンを買いに行った。フィンランドにはいわゆるベーカリーがほとんどなくてがっかりなんだけど 我が家の近所のこのパン屋、パン屋らしいパン屋だし、とてもおいしいパンを売っている。この店を教えてもらったときはほんとうれしかった!!!”やった パン屋”っていう感じ (笑 今朝はとてもすがすがしい天気でパン屋に行ったついでにちょっと遠回りをして短い散歩。幸せな朝だった。



Kuu Kuu and Anton & Anton, Töölö, Helsinki

I had gorgeous prawn salad for lunch at the Kuu Kuu today. And it was a lot of fun to chat with a friend over lunch : ) In addition, an organic grocery shop "Anton & Anton", which I had wanted to go for some time, was just in front of the restaurant. I'm crazy for organic food and you can't imagine how excited I was in the shop 😉 Lovely Friday!!! (Anton & Anton web site in Finnish: , Kuu Kuu web site in Finnish )

今日はKuu Kuuで素敵なサラダランチ。フィンランドにしては大きいえびが入ったサラダ。なかなか会えなかった友達とも久しぶりにキャッチアップ。そして レストランの前にはずっと前から行きたいと思っていたオーガニックショップの Anton Antonが!店に入ったときの(というか店を見つけたときも)盛り上がりといったら・・・ !
