Kawa Cafe again at Helsinki

IMG_0323今日もヨガスタジオに行った帰りにKawa cafeに寄り、ヨガ友イチオシのグリーンスムージーをいただきました。フレッシュでおいしい!元気になる気にさせてくれる味。お店の人の話ではグリーンスムージーがこのカフェの一番人気ということ。それも納得。


前回書いたのKawa cafeの話はこちら IMG_0326

I went to Kawa cafe again. Today, I had green smoothie a friend of my recommened last time we went there. It was tastey and up-lifting! I alsot tried chocolate bueberry muffin which was the best I had ever had in Finland. I had avoided muffins in Finland as they were just huge and tastless but this one was different! Happy for the cafe this evening : ) My last post about Kawa cafe is here

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