Free Finnish National Ballet & Free Marimekko bags @Helsinki

Summer has come to Helsinki! It's an eventful season. This evening, I went to see "free" ballet performance on the outdoor stage at the Senate Square. All the performance by the Finnish National Ballet was excellent and we had a lot of fun. I took the above photo when we got there but when the performance started, there were much much more people trying to see the performance. 

ヘルシンキにも夏到来(気温は20℃くらい。でもサマーシーズンなのだ)。夏はイベントが盛りだくさん。今日は大聖堂の前に作られた屋外スタジオでフィンランド国立バレエ団の無料公演を見に行った。どのパーフォーマンスも最高!おもしろいおかしい作品もあって、会場は大盛り上がり! 上の写真はわたしたちが会場に着いたときに撮ったもの。この後ショーが始まると押し合いへし合いの大混雑。階段は満席。周りにも人がいっぱい!



Today, there was also outdoor fashion show by Marmekko at the Esplanade park. Though I missed the show, I didn't miss their gift, marimekko pouch and marimekko mini bag! I didn't know about it at all but I happened to be walking there when they are giving it away : ) Lucky, me!

Finnish summer is definitely great!





Charming Ljubljana – Photo Album 1

I had a wonderful time in Slovenia last weekend! It's not well-known yet but Ljubljana, Slovenian capital, and the surroundings were absolutely charming. I took more than 350 pictures for the two-night-three-day trip and am now trying to sort them out. So far, I managed to choose and upload this much..

check out my album

Cream Tea @ Cafe Salutorget, Helsinki



先週末に行ったけど、日曜日でクリームティーをやってなかった Salutorget。気を取り直して昨日、土曜日に再トライ。スコーンは大盛り、なんと3つ。そこにお決まりのクロテッドクリームといちごのジャム、そしてもう1つパンプキンマーマレード(これはイギリスでは食べたことないけど!)お店の雰囲気、紅茶のカップやお皿やポット、それぞれあまりフィンランドで普段見かけない英国調。紅茶なら最近はアッサムなわたしのチョイスはやはりアッサム。お店に置いててあったFortnum & Masonの紅茶の歴史や伝統的ないただき方が書かれた本を読んで感心しながらゆっくりと楽しんだクリームティー。スコーンの量が多すぎていささか食べ過ぎではあったけれど、素敵な土曜日を過ごせた感じ。先週も書いたようにお店のサービスはvery good。クリームティーとアフタヌーンティーができるのは入り口近くのカフェではなく奥のほうのバーがあるラウンジなので分からなかったらカフェで聞いてみるのがよいかも。


I went to the Salutorget two weekends in a row, last week, on Sunday, and this week, on Saturday. The difference is that they serve afternoon tea and cream tea on Saturday in the lounge but not on Sunday. So, yesterday which was Saturday, I could have cream tea in a lovely lounge at Salutorget. Three pieces scones were served with clotted cream, strawberry jam and pumpkin marmalade (I think pumpkin marmalade is specialty of this cafe though I didn't fancy it very much.) I liked their strawberry jam a lot and, of course, I love clotted cream which I can't find anywhere else than this cafe in Helsinki (or I might have had it before at hotel Kämp). In the lounge, there was a book about history and the way of drinking tea written by the famous Fortnum & Mason. It was fun to read the book and have cream tea. I liked the relaxing afternoon with cream tea and the Fortnum & Mason book in the gorgeous lounge. As I wrote last weekend, their service was very good!

Sakura @ Helsinki


I had never imagined I would be able to see such beautiful cherry blossoms in Helsinki. One of the things I miss from Japan a lot is cherry blossoms (sakura). The pink blossoms are uplifting and makes me smile. The cherry blossom festival (sakura matsuri) was held at Roihuvuori park in Helsinki. There were a lot of people, Finns, Japanese and many others in the park admiring cherry blossoms, enjoying the blue sky and the sunshine, queueing for Japanese food such as yakisoba, obanyaki, sushi and curry, and watching Japanese dance and other performance on the stage.

Although the blossoms were not fully blooming and it was quite windy and chilly, I think everyone enjoyed the lovely day and "Hanami" feeling! I am planning to visit the park again later this week to see more sakura!

For more cherry blossom photos, check out my album.

今日はヘルシンキの桜祭。Roihuvuoriという公園で開催された。まだまだ寒いから花なんか咲いてないと思っていたけど、意外なことに、少しだけ開花していた。フィンランド特有な真っ青な空にきれいに映えるピンク!強風で写真撮影は難航、でも何枚かきれいな写真が撮れたと思う。桜の写真をもっと見たい方はmy album へ。




There are people wearing some fancy costume which reminded me of Harajuku, Tokyo. Intersting, isn't it?





Summer is Coming Soon, Maybe ;-) – Tuesday Evening @ Helsinki

Lovely weather today! I know all my Finnish friends (or even Japanese friends living in Finland) would say it's too early ty for strawberries, but I couldn't resist and bought half a litter of strawberries. I am going to make strawberry smoothies tomorrow morning : )



Berry stalls are sign of summer. From now on, there will be more and more berry stalls in the town till the end of summer! (It's not that warm yet but summer will come eventually ;-)These strawberries were Spanish and later sweet Finnish ones will come.



Oh, I just notices the open cafe in front of Stockmann has new table and chairs this year!

Ice hockey world cup is held in Finland! On the street, we see many supporters from the countries competing for the cup! Finland won the cup last year and, of course, trying to get win this year again! 今年のアイスホッケーのワールドカップはフィンランドがホスト。各国のユニフォームを着たサポーターをあちこちで見かける。昨年はフィンランドが優勝。もちろん今年も優勝を狙ってフィンランド中が盛り上がっている。


Cafe Cardemumma @ Kallio, Helsinki

The last time I tried to go to the Cafe Cardemumma was Sunday and they were closed. Many cafes and restaurants are closed on Sundays, unfortunately, in Helsinki. But yesterday(Saturday), after being tired of studying at home, I visited this cafe and loved it : )

初めてこのカフェに行ってみようと思った日は日曜日だった。店の前まで行って日曜日は休みということに気づいて、がっかり。フィンランドのカフェやレストラン、日本だったら絶対開いてると思われる日曜日に閉まっていることが多い。でも昨日は土曜日、前回休みだったからますます行ってみたくなっていたcafe cardemummaでコーヒーブレイク。私の予感どおり、とってもナイスなカフェだった。一人でお茶しながらうれしくて顔がほころんじゃうようなカフェ。お店オリジナルの手作りスィーツ (実はフィンランドのカフェ、オリジナルじゃない店もすごく多い。印象としてはどこのカフェに行っても同じケーキみたいな)、プッラ、おいしそうなキッシュやサラダ。私のコーヒーブレイクはフィンランド定番のかもめ食堂でもおなじみ(らしい)のkorvapuusti と普通のコーヒー。おいし~い。


お店のスタッフも笑顔でとても親切 : ) なんだかほかのお客もとても穏やかの感じの人が多かった。プッラじゃなくてケーキ類も魅力的だったけど、砂糖を取り過ぎないように気をつけているので、ケーキは特別なときだけ。次回は事前に甘いもの断ちをしてケーキを食べようかしらん・・・(笑。 ブランチメニューもあって、来週末にでも行きたい気分。(ということはたぶん行く;-) レポートをお楽しみに!Cafe Cardemumma 営業時間にご注意を!

Lovely looking sweets and smiley staffs. Having yummy home-made korvapuusti (cinnamon bun), I couldn't help smiling : ) The cozy cafe is in my most-favorite-cafe list now! Their brunch menu looked great as well as sweets on the counter. I think I will go there again next weekend, Saturday, to have brunch. Check out Cafe Cardemumma


Cloudy Sunday & Salutorget cafe @ Helsinki

 It was sunny and the sky was super blue in the morning but when left home in the afternoon, it started to get cloudy and it was a bit chilly. It's May but there are still cold days, especially when it is windy.

I walked from home to Pohjoisesplanadi to go to another cafe I hadn't been to. I took my camera with me and enjoyed taking photos on the way. Marimekko's show window was quite springy and lovely!




At the Salutorget cafe I wanted to try their cream tea (scones and tea) but it wasn't available today. So, I tried voisilmäplla (butter eye bun) (my most favorite pulla!) with cappuccino. The pulla was huge and it was really light and tasty. It was a bit different from usual Finnish voisilmäpulla but I liked it as much as the ordinary ones. It is nice that we have different types of voisilmäplla available in the town. It was 4.20€, much more expensive thant the ones we could get from other cafes but it doesn't matter really for one Sunday afternoon. And it was huge 😉 As the Salutorget cafe is located on the most touristic street in Helsinki, the customers were mostly tourists. I also looked very tourist with my camera 😉 and my looks ;-)It was comfortable to spend time there though I don't know if it was because of non-local customers or nice welcoming waitresses! They do table services which is not common in Finland, btw.

さて、お目当てのカフェは Salutorget。フィンランドではめずらしい(イギリスでは全然めずらしくないけど)クリームティーをやってるというのを聞いて、行って見たかったのだが・・・残念、今日はやってないって(どうも日曜日はやってないようで)。せっかく来たので好物のvoisilmäpllaとカプチーノでコーヒータイム。メニューにSalutorget風というようなことが書いてあったが、いかにも。いわゆる普通のvoisilmäpllaと違ってサクサク。とても軽い。voisilmäpllaは私の大好物。フィンランドの普通のやつも、このカフェのオリジナルも、どちらもおいしい!しかもここのプッラは巨大!こんなに大きくてどうしよ~と思ったけど サクサクだったので、あっという間に食べちゃった(笑




Even though weather wasn't best to take a walk, I enjoyed walking slowly with the camera after the coffee break. I liked lovely buildings near the senator square. 



I also visited the city hall which had exhibition to celebrate Helsinki's 200years as capital city. I liked the satellite pictures picture of the city and managed to locate my flat : )


As to Helsinki 200years as capital city programme, check out




Sunday Brunch at Hotel Kämp – Helsinki


It's getting much warmer in Helsinki! I can go out without a winter coat. What a relief?! Today, I went to the Brasserie Kämp for Sunday Brunch. Kämp is the most prestigious hotel in Finland and Madonna stayed here when she came to Helsinki a couple of years ago. Looking at the menu of the Sunday Brunch, I have been looking forward to today since I agreed with a friend to come there!



We liked they had several kinds of salad, Paté spiced with green pepper, char grilled salmon as one of the appetizers, slightly-smoked salmon as one of the main dishes, roasted lamb, very tasty mozzarella, pancakes with maple syrup!!!…etc (every dishes, anyways). And we are extremely impressed by the crispy croissants and choices of the gorgeous dessert! They even had my favourite cupcakes from Kanniston leipomo (Déjà vu!!!)which I just wrote about a couple of days ago. So, this time I tasted both strawberry and chocolate ones : ) Both were lovely! I was simply enjoying eating those lovely dishes and didn't take many pictures. You have to go there if you would like to see how the Sunday buffet is like! It's a bit pricey and good for special occasions!

デザートの中にはなんと、おとといKannistonleipomoで食べてお気に入りになったあのカップケーキ。今日は友達と半分こでストロベリーとチョコレートの両方を味見。ビュッフェだから半分こでなくてもよかったけど、もうこの時点で結構おなかいっぱい(笑 料理の写真はあまり撮らず、魅力的に並んでいたデザートの写真のみ。後はご想像で!


 (written on 29, April このポストは4月29日に書きました)