Cloudy Sunday & Salutorget cafe @ Helsinki

 It was sunny and the sky was super blue in the morning but when left home in the afternoon, it started to get cloudy and it was a bit chilly. It's May but there are still cold days, especially when it is windy.

I walked from home to Pohjoisesplanadi to go to another cafe I hadn't been to. I took my camera with me and enjoyed taking photos on the way. Marimekko's show window was quite springy and lovely!




At the Salutorget cafe I wanted to try their cream tea (scones and tea) but it wasn't available today. So, I tried voisilmäplla (butter eye bun) (my most favorite pulla!) with cappuccino. The pulla was huge and it was really light and tasty. It was a bit different from usual Finnish voisilmäpulla but I liked it as much as the ordinary ones. It is nice that we have different types of voisilmäplla available in the town. It was 4.20€, much more expensive thant the ones we could get from other cafes but it doesn't matter really for one Sunday afternoon. And it was huge 😉 As the Salutorget cafe is located on the most touristic street in Helsinki, the customers were mostly tourists. I also looked very tourist with my camera 😉 and my looks ;-)It was comfortable to spend time there though I don't know if it was because of non-local customers or nice welcoming waitresses! They do table services which is not common in Finland, btw.

さて、お目当てのカフェは Salutorget。フィンランドではめずらしい(イギリスでは全然めずらしくないけど)クリームティーをやってるというのを聞いて、行って見たかったのだが・・・残念、今日はやってないって(どうも日曜日はやってないようで)。せっかく来たので好物のvoisilmäpllaとカプチーノでコーヒータイム。メニューにSalutorget風というようなことが書いてあったが、いかにも。いわゆる普通のvoisilmäpllaと違ってサクサク。とても軽い。voisilmäpllaは私の大好物。フィンランドの普通のやつも、このカフェのオリジナルも、どちらもおいしい!しかもここのプッラは巨大!こんなに大きくてどうしよ~と思ったけど サクサクだったので、あっという間に食べちゃった(笑




Even though weather wasn't best to take a walk, I enjoyed walking slowly with the camera after the coffee break. I liked lovely buildings near the senator square. 



I also visited the city hall which had exhibition to celebrate Helsinki's 200years as capital city. I liked the satellite pictures picture of the city and managed to locate my flat : )


As to Helsinki 200years as capital city programme, check out




2 thoughts on “Cloudy Sunday & Salutorget cafe @ Helsinki

  1. You’ve been awfully busy finding out new cafes recently. What gives? 🙂 And now you have unveiled my secret cafe! 😉
    Well, I actually go there sometimes during the winter months, because it is almost dead quiet so I sometimes get the whole cafe for myself with excellent service. 🙂
    I guess it is so quiet during that time since there are less tourists around and not much people walk past that area anyways.

  2. Hi, Long time no see! Sorry that I revealed your secret cafe 😉 Now tell me where other secret cafes are!;)

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